~When He Gets Scared/When He has a Nightmare/His Fear~

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Author's Note:

Guess who I'm bringing back? Slendy! YAY! Quite a few peoples asked where he was and then I felt bad and then I was like well, there are plenty of other stories with Slenderman so why should I remove him because of two extremists,  right?

Anyway, that's some good news right? That'll brighten up your Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday! His scenario will be a bit longer to catch up on stuffs, also this will be the scenario you take him back as well as when he's scared.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to two people so, I can't put them in the dedications thingy. My apologies. But this was requested by:



Thanks peeps! :P 


Jeff the Killer

You and Jeff were spending the night together in your bed. Jeff had already gone to sleep, his eyecover thingy on, but you were awake on Tumblr/Facebook/iFunny/Instagram/Google Images/Pancakes/Whatever. It was quite peaceful, actually... Up until Jeff started thrashing about.

You glanced at him, "Jeff?"

Jeff, obviously still asleep, moaned in agony,  "S-Stop! "

You frowned, gently touching his shoulder, "Babe?"

Jeff screamed when you touched him, ripping off the eyecover. He grabbed his knife from the end table and held it to your throat, his eyes showing both terror and madness. Your heart stopped, fearing for your own life, "Jeff... It's okay... Please relax." Your voice was terrified.

Jeff looked at you with confusion before he realized what he was doing. He threw the knife at the wall, the blade embedding into the wood. He pulled you against his chest and kissed you all over. Your neck, eyelids, nose, shoulders, cheeks, lips... Tears that did not belong to you dropped onto your skin. Jeff said over and over, "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..."

You just let him do what he needed to. Your fingers gently glided through his hair soothingly. Jeff finally was calm after a half hour of quiet sobs and kissing. You asked,  "What happened?"

Jeff said, "They had you... I couldn't do anything, but watch..."

"They?" You asked.

"You know my story, don't you?" Jeff asked.

You smiled faintly and kissed his cheek, "They won't get me, Jeff... You took care of them already."

Jeff sighed, "But there are other things that could get you... And if the other things do get you, I may not be there... I need you in my life, Y/N..." He still hadn't released you from his grasp. You didn't know how to answer so you just hugged him back.

The rest of the night was peaceful, Jeff having put his eyecover back on and pulling you against his chest. The two of you slept blissfully the rest of the night.



Slenderman had sent you dozens of roses and notes, wishing you'd forgive him. You never gave him an answer, so he tried to move on with his life. However, this ended in several ways. The first time he tried to move on, he was cheated on. The second time, the girl annoyed him so much that she was never heard from again... The others just didn't interest him anymore.

Today, you were driving to your aunt's/uncle's new house, which just happened to be in the middle of the forest. It was quite late out, deer jumping across the road now. You were driving around a blind corner when a deer lept out in front of your car. Since you were driving 60 mph/97 kph, there was no time to react. The buck collided with the front of your car, his antlers stabbing through the windshield and piercing through your chest and neck, narrowly missing any major arteries.

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