Starting the job

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Callie's POV

Today is the day I start my new job as a nanny, my bosses who thire name's are Stef and Lena foster who happen to lesbian parents. They told me about their four children and the rules I have to follow and what they want to do if they are away or not home. At first, I thought they were too old to have a nanny but they told about their three adopted children and Stef's biological son. Today is the day I will meet them, to tell you the truth I'm a little nervous:(

Stef's POV

Me and lena met the girl and I wasn't impressed of her appearance but my wife lena want to give her a chance and she convinced me , so my kids have a new nanny. I told her about the rules that she has to follow and if she breaks them she will get fired. I hope that my thoughts of this girl were wrong. Well that all I have to say but im going to make sure that this girl is doing her job. But, I want to know about her and past.

Lena POV

At first I thought that the girl was to young to be a nanny but I thought that everyone should a chance at something and to judge a book by its cover. So I wanted Stef and I both agree to give the girl the job. I already texted the kids to meet the nanny when they are done with school. I want to know more about Callie because I really am interested to know more about her life..

Mariana POV
Today we get a nanny for the first time. I just really hope our nanny isn't boring. today our moms called us that they already hired a new nanny. I hope she isn't strict.

Jesus Pov
today we get a new nanny man she's going to be an old lady. this sucks. I think we're too old to have a nanny. this is ridiculous. Ever since the party everything is going to change.

Brandon's Pov
mom already told us that we are already having a new nanny. We meet her today and we have to show our best behavior. Our moms said that if the nanny told them that we broke one of their rules we would be grounded for two months.

Jude's Pov
Brandon told us that stef and lena decided who is going to be our new nanny. Im just this shy kid who loves video games and hangs out with with his best friend Conner and I think he is a really great best friend I had all my life. Im not sure if I could get closer to the new nanny.

Callie's Pov
Im sitting in the fosters house and I am waiting for the children to be here. Once I heard the door open I saw them and they look too old to have me as their nanny. "Everyone I want you meet Callie Jacob she is your new nanny" stef said.

Sorry that I haven't updated for a while guy's but I kept my promise into updating today and I will still update. tell me what you think of this chapter and comment :-) REMEMBER STAY POSITIVE!!!
callie finally is meeting the foster family as their first new nanny. don't worry brallie will come up in the story it will just take time okay. ;)
Also thank you guys for so many viewers thank you for reading my book I love you guys :D

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