Meeting The Foster Children

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Callie POV

Once I saw the foster children I thought that they were too old to have a nanny because their basically teens. When Stef said I was going to be the new nanny I was kind of taking off guard. So I thought that this could be a chance for me to know the kids and maybe try to tell them a little bit about myself.

"nice to meet all of you, I'm callie Jacob 16 years old and I'm your new nanny incase Stef and Lena aren't here" I said.

They were only three boys and one girl

"It's nice to meet you too and it's a pleasure that you are our new nanny by the way my name is Brandon Foster and my sister's name is Mariana and her twin brother Jesus and our little brother Jude" he said.

"Well its good to know that you and our new nanny but aren't you a little too young to be one" Mariana said.

"MARIANA" Stef said.

"It's okay Stef, I wanted to be a nanny to earn my own money and not dependent on anyone" I said

"Hi my name is Jude" he said on a low voice I could tell that this boy is shy

"My name is Jesus and it is nice to meet you" Jesus said, I do admit that he was really but one year apart from me.

"Welcome to our home, make yourself at home Callie we will tell where you can leave your stuff and you will come back tomorrow" Lena said

"Ok" I said, I said my goodbyes and headed home to go to go the eat what is there say goodnight to Dad and go to sleep for tomorrow to start my new job.

Brandon POV

I thought the new nanny was really cute and I really hope does a good job of taking care of us. I don't why but I'm actually glad having Callie as our new nanny But I do think that she is a little too young to be our nanny because I thought that we getting and old person.

But other than that she was really cute and pretty tough I guarantee myself that she is not like any girl I ever met but I know by she looks that she isn't one of those girls who are get to have or jump one you like Talya and a girl on my band who has a crush on me named Lou. Our band is called "Someone's Little Sister" I choose to be in the band to write songs, perform and sing. Matt who is the leader of the band wants me to write songs that are uplifting, not slow and to pump energy which I think that songs are many different types in my opinion.

Jesus POV

I thought our nanny was hot and I'm glad we have her to take care of us. I was in the hallway and I stopped to tell Mariana

"So what did you think about our new nanny because I think she is pretty." I said.

" I'm not sure about her, I think she is a little too young to take care of us and that were too old to have a nanny." she said.

"But remember the party you and Brandon wanted take and because of that party they can't trust us anymore. We have to have a nanny to look over us now." I said

"don't blame this on me and don't make yourself sound so innocent because you brought your girlfriend. Don't forget that Brandon brought his band over here and someone called the cops" Mariana said.

"Whatever I just wanted to ask you simple question" I said walking away to mine and Jude's room pretty angry.

Mariana POV

I wasn't sure about our nanny she seems different from any other girl I ever met or saw in my life. Maybe if know her little more I could give her a chance. It could good for Jude because he barely talks and the only way he talks to us is if you ask him how he is or what he does. Well I hope that she can handle us and I can that this is her first time being a nanny.

After the little argument with Jesus that me a little mad I also thought that what he said was true and if that party never happened we never would get a new nanny.

But we have to suffer the consequences I guess.

Jude's POV

Im glad to have a nanny I hope her and I could get to know each other and I feel like she is trustworthy. Even though she looks like a tough chick I feel like I can have someone to communicate for the first time.

I'm shy because I don't blend in with the crowd and many things happened to me that left me the way I am today.

Lena POV

"It was nice of callie to get to know the children" I said. I think that hiring callie has a great idea she may look different but I know there is something else inside callie that is more beautiful

"I don't know I am not sure that having a 16 year old be a nanny to our kids to take care of" Stef said.

"Trust me I think that callie change our kids and associate or communicate with them like siblings" I said.

"Are you sure" Stef said.

"Absolutely" I said.

Stef POV
I wasn't really pleased with callie's appearance because she looked like a tough chick or a tomboy for that matter.
After I talked to Lena and only told her one final thing

"Fine but I want to know more about callie and know about her family, where she lives, how to communicate with her, any trouble she did, had or still have in the past and if she has any bad records for the safety of our kids" I said

"Ok" I said

"Ok, I agree with you" she said

Just because Lena thinks that she can be a good nanny I will keep an eye out for her. I just don't want callie aka the nanny to fall for anyone in our family especially Brandon who is my son and the bosses older son because that will effect her career as the nanny of this house.

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while because of school, prom, graduation and shopping for my dress. It has been stressful but I'll have more time in the summer for me update more ok

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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