4) date night (fluff)

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"Eddie! Hurry up!" I shouted at him after sitting waiting for him to get ready for ages.
"Im sorry! I'm ready now." He said walking out of his room. He came over and kissed me before complimenting, "you look nice in my ripped jeans, you know?"
I smiled at him before saying, "I'll continue stealing your clothes then shall I?"
"That's not what I meant." He laughed as did I.
We walked out the door together holding hands but as soon as we saw someone walk past we let go of each other's hands. Eddie, being the gentleman he is, opened the passenger door of his van for me and closed it for me before getting in the driver's seat and putting the keys into ignition.

We hadn't been on a date in a really long time and we thought it was about time we did. Obviously, we couldn't go to a proper restaurant because it would look suspicious: just two men in a restaurant surrounded by straight couples. However we could still go to a takeaway and sit in the woods so that's exactly what we did.

Firstly, Eddie drove us to some random pizza place and got us two pizzas. Mine was just a plain cheese pizza and his was a pepperoni one. He rushed back to the van with the pizzas and Eddie drove us to the woods behind the school.

It was 8pm and there was no one about so I held the pizzas as Eddie pushed me by the waist to where we were going. I loved the way his  hands perfectly gripped my sides and it was so comforting. We came to the bench in the clearing in the woods and sat down. The bench had a lit candle on it that Eddie put there. I knew what Eddie usually did here so I made a joke, "having a date in the place you sell drugs, how romantic."
"Oh, shut up." He rolled his eyes and I kissed him gently.
We ate our pizzas and Eddie was being as adorable as ever smiling and blushing ever so often. "Fuck I love you." He said out of the blue mid sentence.
I was taken back slightly as he'd never said that before. "You what?"
"I love you!"
I sat there stunned and smiling.
Eddie stood on the top of the table and shouted with his arms spread, " I'm Eddie Munson and I love Y/l!"
"Eddie sut down someone might hear you." I hit his leg.
"I love y/n and I don't care who hears it!" He shouted again. When he jumped off the table he stood behind me and lifted me up so I stood on the bench seat. I turned around facing him holding his hands. I smiled at him again and bent down and kissed him started slowly before getting off the bench so I could kiss him harder. I put a hand on his face and one on the back if his neck as he held my waist once again.

The kiss got more passionate and heated until I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turned around and looked, whereas Eddie told me, "it's nothing just a twig."
"Yeah, but who broke it?" I said worryingly. This made Eddie worry slightly. I was still looking but when I turned back I saw a figure in the woods behind Eddie. I got scared but swiftly found it to be Steve.
"Hey guys!" Steve said "what are you doing here?" We stayed silent trying to think of an excuse. Steve looked at the table which had a candle on it and two pizza boxes. "Wait, are you two on a date?" He laughed.
"What? No!" Me and Eddie laughed nervously, "no that would be gay." I was probably visibly sweating as I was so nervous.
"What's wrong with that?" Steve asked. I was stunned and I think Eddie was too. "Guys come on! Look at you You would have to be blind to not know!"
"You knew!?" Eddie said shocked.
"Of course I knew! I'm best friends with a lesbian I have a great gay-dar. Anyway enjoy your date!" He said as he started to walk away.
"Wait steve why are you here?" I shouted.
"Date night!" He shouted back as he left.

Fucking hell that was stress full! Me and Eddie spent the rest of the night eating, kissing and getting high as we looked at the stars. I turned to him as we were laying on the bench looking at the sky and said, "Eddie? I love you too."
He smiled and kissed me again. We enjoyed our date night and hope that most people were more blind than steve because I couldn't live without Eddie even if I tried.

Word count: 806

This is very short and I don't know if I'm going to be able to continue writing a one shot everyday because I'm gonna start to be very busy but I'll try my best. Thank you for all the support so far! I don't know whether people prefer smut or fluff so I'll do a mixture. :)

Eddie Munson x Male reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now