9) Flustered (smut)

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I pushed Eddie backwards into the boys bathroom as if I was bullying him. "Listen here freak!!" I shouted and as the door shut behind us and I made sure no one was inside before saying "I love you, I'm so sorry." I hugged him and I thought he was almost going to faint.
I caught him and he was bright red humming happily. "Mmm I love you too."
"Did you like how I handled you?" I flirted. He nodded and tried to lean in for a kiss. "Uh uh no, you aren't in control here." Eddie huffed and gripped my sides trying to get me to kiss him. "No, you're too cute for me to kiss. If I kiss you I'd have to take you right here right now." I encouraged.
He looked up at me still blushing and he was on the verge of melting. "Or is that what you want?" I asked knowingly. Eddie smirked and tried to Kiss me again but this time I gave it to him. I pushed him against the wall with his hands above his head. Whenever we'd part to catch our breath I would praise and degrade him and gage which he enjoyed more. "Good boy Eddie... my little slut...Oh you're so filthy baby." After each one I would say he seemed more flustered and he stopped and bit his bottom lip at how turned on he was from such dark words. "Oh baby, are you struggling to stay calm?" He looked at me with puppy eyes and god he was adorable. "Aw are you gonna beg me to take you my weirdo?"
"Fuck y/n you're driving me insane!" Eddie whined.
I slammed his hips against the wall abruptly and sternly whispered in his ear, "I'll continue to drive you insane till you're moaning my name." i slammed his hips against the wall again to accentuate each point, "and I'll continue keeping you just on the edge of exploding from horny desire."

Eddie's mouth was slightly open in shock and I gently moved his hair out of the way of his shoulder. I went to Eddie's neck and began slowly kissing it before leaving hickeys all over him. Thank god his hair was long enough to cover them although it would be adorable to see him get flustered about having to explain them. Eddie would let out gentle little moans and beg me to touch him more, however the more he begged the less I would touch him.   "Y/n please, I need you. I thought about you while touching myself last night! Please y/n" Eddie pleaded breathlessly.
"Oh yeah, tell me about it, what did I do to you baby?" I continued kissing up and down his neck and along his jaw.
"You were touching me here." Eddie grabbed my hand and placed it of his chest, "and here." He placed my hand on his ass. "And... and here" he slowly trailed my hand to his crotch.
"Really, Do you want me to touch you there?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded. "what was that baby I didn't hear you?" I teased.
"Yes y/n! Yes I want you to!" He was so overwhelmed and raised his voice.

I looked at him deviously and pulled him into a stall. I sat down on the toilet seat and Eddie stood in Front of me. Eddie's excitement was now visible and very telling. "Sit on my lap Eddie." I told him and he followed the order. He sat facing me and I slowly unbuckled his belt making sure he watched me do it. Then to keep him agonisingly on edge I slowly unzipped his jeans, pushing them down just enough. "My, my you were really affected by my whispers." I trailed the tip of my index finger up and down his clothed erection which teased him even more.

Just as I pulled his dick out of his boxers I heard the door open. I mouthed to eddie, "put your legs up." And he did, as I supported him  with one arm so he wouldn't fall. We sat there in silence and just as the person was about to leave I moved my hand up and down slowly causing Eddie to moan quietly but enough for them to hear.
"Are you okay in there?" They asked.
I nodded to Eddie to say something and he squeezed out a, "yeah I'm fine." Then the door opened and closed and they were gone. We both exhaled in relief and Eddie punched my arm saying, "we could've been caught."
"It's not my fault you're so sensitive under my touch." I trailed my finger around the tip of his length and them being to pump him slowly. Eddie's delicate little moans were cute and every time he would get close to the edge I'd stop and it would drive him insane. By the fourth time I denied him he was whining and whimpering so loudly and I decided to give him what he wanted. I jerked him off faster and in a matter of seconds he came long and fast over my hand and a little went onto his shirt and jeans.

He rested his head on my shoulder and caught his breath and I had one last devious plan. I made Eddie look at me as I licked his cum off my hand. At that point I almost thought I killed him and he collapsed back onto my shoulder. "Thank you y/n, I love you." Eddie whispered.
I grabbed his chin and kissed him before saying, "I love you too Eddie Munson."

"Y/n is that you?" I heard a voice say from outside the stall, I stayed quiet, "did you say I love you Eddie?" I heard laughter. I looked at Eddie with a reassuring expression and he got off of me. I opened the door to see Jason.


Word count: 993

Omg wow this was fun this was also a request by is anonymous so yk. I didn't know whether to make a part two to this because it would be more angst if anything and I don't wanna cry while writing so... yh. But I hope you like it.

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