TCH |21| A Sudden Collaboration

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"There's nothing left to lose now!" Mineta cried as he noticed his missing headband

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"There's nothing left to lose now!" Mineta cried as he noticed his missing headband. "Shoji full attack mode! We're going to steal the points from those two teams with everything we've got!" Mineta exclaimed as Shoji went barreling in the direction of Todoroki and Midoriya. The team was gaining speed until a warning shot of blue flames slowed them down.

"Fire!?" The team shuddered before looking at the direction it was launched from. "Ayato!/Naganohara!"

"Find other headbands, this one's mine!" He ordered as a dark aura encased the boy and his "team".

"No fair! Ten million's fair game for everyone!"

"Not my fault if you don't make it into the next round..." the boy laughed before disappearing into a cloud of coal tars.

"Is that even allowed? Kero.."

"No idea..." the boys shuddered before resuming their plan to snatch the ten million headband.

'So at this point every team is getting desperate...' Ayato calculated. Right now the boy was sitting there with 155 points as he stole a band from a cocky class B student who was belittling his peers. It didn't seem like 155 points would get there team to the next round and by the looks of it, Bakugo still hadn't regained their other headbands so it was just a waiting game for the albino. When can he snatch the ten million, and when can Bakugo retrieve their missing points? All this had to be done fairly quickly as there was a little less than half the round remaining.

'Go while they're distracted and switch the bands...' an ominous voice laughed inside his head. It was a voice the young boy didn't recognize, so it wasn't one of his demons.

'Crap! Did someone actually use their quirk on me?' Ayato started to freak out before feeling a sharp pain in his side.

'Listen I want to have some fun... you want to win... let's work together.'

'Who are you!' The boy pondered. He had definitely heard this voice before but he didn't know who it belonged to. 'I'm not stupidly giving my body away to a demon! Or a stranger for that fact!' The albino started to get annoyed. Time was being wasted and a strange visitor was now sharing a space with him inside his head.

I'm what one might call a demon, but instead of using me...I grant power

'So I use you, I gain power. At the same time, I sign my life away because there's some bullshit drawbacks that you're not telling me! Forget it!' The albino growled after debating his options. Let a strange demon possess you and win, or fight back against a strange demon, lose and potentially kill a bunch of innocent people.

I'll come out sooner than you think~ the voice teased as blue sparks littered the boy's body and a slight headache started to form.

"Fuck it, I'll yield!" The boy agreed with the demon before being trapped in darkness. The boy's previously red eyes were now bright blue and the duality of his hair re-emerged.

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