TCH|14| The Disaster of the USJ 2

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"Where is he?" Shigaraki questioned while taking in his surroundings

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"Where is he?" Shigaraki questioned while taking in his surroundings. "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too." He complained as the crowd of villains started to flood the place. "All might...the symbol of peace... I can't believe he isn't here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" He said with a hidden smirk.

While watching Aizawa prepare himself for battle was cool and all, Ayato and the rest of his class stood protected behind Thirteen slowly gaining their bearings.

"Listen guys...I know this is a terrifying situation, but don't look so scared." Ayato spoke up gaining everyone's attention.

"What do you mean! There here to kill us!" Mineta shrieked.

"We're giving them exactly what they want" the albino's expression darkened.

"What is that?" Few questioned

"Fear." The boy said, finally shaking out the last of his nerves. "They are probably not even after us, we're just hostages in this case..."

"Don't go treating this like a demon case!" Thirteen scolded the boy. "We don't know what they're after."

"Trying to guess the villain's objective is literally what heroes do on the fly!" Ayato complained to the pro.

"That aside, Sensei, what about the trespasser sensors?" Momo made her way to the front.

"We have them but..."

"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school?" Todoroki spoke up.

"We're kind of too far to really tell," Ayato muttered.

"An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're aren't dumb" Todoroki explained. "This attack was carefully planned so they would have hostages and be able to achieve their goal!"

"Thirteen, start the evacuation!" Aizawa commanded. "Try contacting the school. Kaminari. You also try reaching the school with your quirk!"

"Yes, sir!"

"What about you! Are you going to fight by yourself!" Midoriya questioned

"Yea...No offense Sensei, but isn't it always strength in numbers" the albino added. "Even with your erasing quirk, there are more of them than you and I'm not going to sit still like some prey among predators!" The boy said while gaining some confidence. Blue sparks emitted from the boy, but they were barely noticeable unless you were staring hard.

"You can't be a hero with just one trick." Aizawa said before running off. "I'm leaving it to you Thirteen." He jumped from the entrance platform before taking on a large crowd of villains. His hair defied gravity even when he fought and his scarf was also quite flexible.

"Woah..." the class stood amazed while watching their teacher fight.

"Alright everyone let's evacuate!" Thirteen commanded while pushing everyone towards the exit.

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