TCH |25| An Encounter with Satan

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This probably should've been two separate chapters but enjoy

This probably should've been two separate chapters but enjoy

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"Oh Minoru, what are you going to do to stop me?" The boy laughed "The next match is in about five minutes. Kaede won't make it back in time."

"It's not that far of a distance..." he muttered before dodging an incoming attack that struck the door. "Why are you attacking me?" He yelled as he crouched behind the table.

"It wasn't an attack, it was a seal. If I killed anyone Ayato would probably freak." The demon laughed.

"Sorry for the wait again folks, but the final match will commence shortly!" The speakers announced which made the small boy sweat.

"So how are you going to stop me..."


The ravenette stood menacingly above Mineta as he cowarded near the wall. He wasn't going to harm the boy, he just wanted to make sure he wouldn't get in his way.

"Come on Ayato! You're in there somewhere?! How did this guy even take control over you!" He yelled out to try to reach his friend.

"Wow, how are you going to be a hero if you can't even save your best friend" the boy teased." Pathetic, rethink your life options" he said before heading for the exit. He left the boy alone in the corner cowering but he didn't expect the boy to actually use his quirk on him.

"His mom instructed me to keep you here and that's what I'm going to do!" He shouted before ripping balls off his head and sticking them to the door.

"They'll just come for me... you might get in trouble for holding me back" he reasoned.

"My friend, you've never watched a sports festival have you. If you don't go out to fight... it's a forfeit" the small boy laughed which angered the demon.

"You would hinder you own friend's success for what reason?"

"Ayato wouldn't want this!"

"How would you know!" The ravenette questioned as his flames became apparent. "You people all think you know Ayato, but you all know nothing!" He growled "Just your presence is enough to kill someone! How does he put up with it!"

"Cause he's our friend and he is human unlike whatever you are!" He shouted at his face before being flung back into the wall.

"If only you knew kid," he muttered before trapping Mineta in a fiery cage and leaving an obedient demon hound to watch him.

"Ahhh! How are you even going to get out?"

"I have my ways" he smirked before disappearing into a cloud of coal tars.

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