TCH |27| Forest Excursion

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Following Blue exorcist anime plot not manga

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Following Blue exorcist anime plot not manga...

"Get in loser, you got an internship to head to" Amai smirked as she pulled up to the albino's house.

"Since when did you get your license?"


"Yo, I'm here too!" Ein popped her head out the driver side window startling the boy.

"Gah! How did I not notice you..."

"Get in! You chose a good time to join us!" The silver haired girl smiled


"Well I don't know if you're going to be with our class, but we're going camping!" Ein's eyes sparkled.

"What's so good about camping..." the boy sighed as he finally entered the back passenger seat and the group hit the road.

"It's not just a camping trip Ein..."

"Whatever, it still beats being cooped up in a dorm."

"That's fair"

"Yes...keep me in the dark"

"It's a long story Ayato"

"We got a long car ride..."

"Ein, you tell him.." the greenette sighed.


"You have to traverse this place everyday!" Ayato was shocked at the size of the school. "How are you never late!?"

"Gateway keys, you basically unlock any door with it and it takes you to where you need to go." Ein explained as Amai parked and got out of the car. "Also...the rest of the exwires might not be as friendly as they were before."

"I guessed that, after I almost died at the sports festival..." Ayato slumped into his seat.

"Amai and I still got your back, and don't forget you're not alone" the silver haired girl smiled before revealing her own tail.

"How?! And why is this now getting discussed!"

"Shhhh! No one else knows other than you!"

"Aren't your parents human?!"

"Well, I never got to know my mom and my father is Mephisto Pheles, Head Master!"

"So same situation, but opposite parents?" He concluded as she aggressively nodded.

"I guess it's nice to not be the only demon in a exorcist school"

"Hey! Get out, we're late!" Amai said while vigorously knocking on the window.

"So...are you gonna tell the misses or..."

"When you tell Minoru, I'll tell Amai"

"I guess that'll never happen, we'll be both living lives full of lies." He smiled before getting his belongings and following the pissed off greenette.

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