The snake pit

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A door on the side of the prefab flew open and I saw Bo grab Doris in a headlock and drag her out. She flailed and fought so hard that he had to slam her against the wall and throw her over his shoulder while she was still stunned from the impact.

Tuck reeled around—thank God--and barked, "The hell's goin' on?!"

"Dude in there's havin' some kinda seizure or sum. And she starts cussin' and fussin'--"

"Yo, we got a man down in here," another guy yelled.

So Tuck snarled, "Shove 'er inna dugout," to Bo as he snatched me up and into the prefab.

Where this student was on the floor thrashing and growling as the other hostages leaned over him trying to offer what little comfort they could with their arms and legs all tied up.

And when I said, "Sugar! He needs sugar," Tuck flung me at Ray J, who hauled me into the kitchen.

And Gail scowled over at us and said, "What's all the ruckus in there?"

So I said, "We need sugar or honey--anything sweet'll do."

"For what?"

"Look, he'll die if we're not quick about it! Anything sweet!"

She grabbed a honey jar and Ray J yanked me back toward the big room right where Gail dropped to her knees beside the student, pinched his nostrils shut and tried to pour some honey down his throat.

It was running all down his face when we heard these blood curdling screams from somewhere outside. Piercing, raw-throated shrieks that sent three of the gunmen flying out of there. Ray J threw his arm around my neck and dragged me outside, too.

And when he saw Chas wrestling with Caleb in that Airstream across the way, he yanked me up the trailer steps, threw me down on the floor and yelled, "Freeze, goddamn it!"

Chas backed off Caleb when he saw me. And as Caleb snatched up the AK that Chas had gotten away from him, Chas fell to his knees next to me and cried, "I thought it was you," all wild eyed.

And then he hugged me up real tight as those screams changed to rhythmic bleating and then a weird, guttural, groan that choked itself off and made the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stand up.

And Ray J said, "How the hell he get loose?"

"Tuck gimme the signal," Caleb smirked.

"The fuck 'e do that for?"

He never got an answer because we all froze as this guy went by the door carrying Doris' bloodied, bloated body on his hip. Her eyes were swollen shut, lips all ballooned up and misshapen—she didn't even look human.

Tuck started yelling all kinds of orders once he'd got her inside. And pretty soon all his guys were running around all frantic and confused.

And then Ray J barked, "Git up off that floor! Both o' you!"

I looked up into the barrel of his gun. And he said, "Go seddown on that couch!"

And after we'd sat down, I told Chas, "There's a student havin' convulsions in there, too."

He cupped my head against his chest and said, "Fuck," with this faraway, "I've got to think this through" look on his face. And then he yelled, "Benadryl," to Caleb and Ray J. "For the woman—allergy medicine!"

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