Scott x Reader - I'm not skilled in this field **

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Warning 18+ Sexual Content

"Hey, guys!" I say walking up to Scott and Wesley at the company party Nelson was hosting. 

Scott looks at me before choking on his drink noticing my outfit. It was different than what I typically wore but Deb told me to wear it. 

"H-Hi Y/N. So umm." Scott says stuttering his eyes drifting over my frame. "You look beautiful tonight" 

My heart flutters as I smile. "Thank you, Scott. You look great yourself" I say to him. 

"I'm going to go get something to drink would either of you like something, maybe something other than water Scott?," Wesley says to us. 

"Oh um, something light would be nice," I say smiling.

"I'll have the same" Scott says. 

Wesley leaves us alone allowing me to turn my attention back to Scott. 

"I didn't know you drank?" I ask him. 

"I don't typically drink but one drink occasionally won't hurt," Scott says. 

Scott and I talk amongst each other until Wesley returned with our drinks. Wesley joined in our conversation for a bit before heading to find Deb. Scott and I were pretty close, it was safe to say that I had a major soft spot for the shy scientist next to me. As the night goes on, I quickly noticed that my ride had disappeared with her lover. 

"Well, I guess I'm walking home. Deb took off with Wesley" I say sighing slightly.

"I can give you a ride home" Scott says.

"Really?" I ask happily.

"Of course" Scott answers.

Scott walks me out to his car and drives me home. I tap my leg as we get closer to my place. Once we get there Scott quickly get out to open my door. I grab his hand as I get out of car with his head. He walks me to my door still holding my hand.

"Thank you for the ride back, I really appreciate it" I say smiling.

"O-of course." Scott says stuttering slightly.

I smile as I lean up kissing him gently as a thank you. I pull away slowly looking up at Scott from under my lashes. Scott swallows harshly before leaning down to kiss me again. His hands shook slightly as he moves to place them on my waist pulling me against him. I deepen the kiss slightly noticing how nervous he was.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask pulling away.

Scott nods allowing me to open the door and  following me inside. Scott closes the door before grabbing my waist gently.

"Y/N?" Scott says as he leans down closer to me his hands pulling me against him.


"I k-know... i know that... umm when you invite someone into y-your home on a night like this it means..." Scott says taking a deep breath. I could tell he was nervous "it means that they want to sleep with you. I'm not... i'm skilled in this field"

"Scotty baby, I don't care how good you are." I whisper smiling. "We don't even have to sleep together if you don't want"

"No!" Scott says quickly and very loudly. "Sorry. I want to. I've just never..."

I kiss him gently to shut him up. "Just do what feels natural. I trust you."

Scott nods leaning to kiss me gently. I wrap my arms around him gently deeping the kiss. Scott slowly backs me up until my legs hit my couch. I sit down on the couch before allowing Scott to lay me back. I reach up to slowly start to undo Scott's tie. I lay it aside before working on getting his jacket and shirt off. Scott slides up my dress before pulling it over my head.

"Oh fuck me" Scott says looking at me with nervous eyes.

I lean up towards him and take my bra off. He watches me toss it aside. I gently grab his hand laying them against my breast. He hand tenses against my skin before squeezing my breast gently. I smile as I watch his curious eyes roam over my bare skin until the last piece of material on my body.

I reach down and undo his pants. Scott helps me slide them off along with his underwear. Scott gently grabs the band of my underwear before sliding them off. Scott's eyes run over me before meeting my eyes. I pull him closer so his length presses against my folds. His breathing picks up slightly.

"Relax" I whisper as I grab his waist sliding my hands towars his length. "Do you want me to be in control?"

"N-no. I can do it" Scott says nervous as he quickly grabs my hands pinning them above my head.

I gasps slightly at the sudden moment. My cheeks flushing as Scott holds my wrists down on the couch. Scott slowly guides himself into me. Scott groans as he pushes into me. I tilt my head back moaning feeling him stretch me out.

"Oh fuck Scotty" I moan.

Scott stops moving "Am i hurting you?" He asks concerned.

"No quite the opposite" I answer. "Keep going"

Scott hesitantly starts to push into me. He slowly thrust into me testing his movement. He slowly starts to get a bit more confident as he picks up his pace.

"Fuck" I moan loudly as Scott presses his lips against my neck.

I felt like putty under his touch. Despite it being his first time, he seemed to know exactly how to melt me. His movements start to get harder causing me to tense under his touch as I crept closer to my release. My moan echoed through the house alongside his groans as he continues to thrust into me. Scott catches me off guard when his teeth graze my shoulder. I cry out in pleasure causing him to bite down. I instantly hit my orgasm tensing around him.

"Fuck" Scott groans feeling me tighten around him.

Scott continued to thrust into me. His nails digging into my hips slightly. My hands press against his back as I hold onto him. Scott moves to kiss me deeply. I could tell he was gaining more confidence in himself as he moves my legs allowing for him to press deeper into me. Scott's movements start to get sloppy before he slams into me one last time before hitting his orgasm. He spills deeply into me filling my with warmth and causing me to gasp at the feeling.

Scott pants as he slowly stops his movements. His eye search mine as I pant underneath him. Scott leans down and kisses me gently causing me to smile.

"Did i... Did I do alright?" Scott asks.

I smile at his nervousness. "Scotty baby you did perfect." I say reassuring him.

He smiles as he kisses me again. He allows me to pull him back into a deep heated kiss. He groans slight into the kiss allowing me to start up another round with him. We ended up going for multiple rounds as Scott wanted to test so many things on me which I was more than happy to let him do.

His fingers run over my spin after we finally laid down for the night. I could tell from my closed eyes he was staring at me.

"You're staring" I say opening my eyes to look at him.

"I can't help it. I'm just so lucky to have you as mine" Scott says.

I smile. "Have I ever told you I loved you?" I asked.

"No but that's alright, I already knew you loved me." Scott says causing me to giggle. "And I love you"

"Does this make us official now?" I asked tiredly.

"Y/N I would love nothing more than for us to be official now" Scott says.

"Good" I say snuggling into Scott allowing myself to finally drift off to sleep.

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