Ben x Reader: So this is where you've been staying

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"I was told Ben has been staying at the S.P.I.R.E. since he 'woke up'" Matt explains to me as we climbed into his car.

"Who gave you this information?" I ask curiously.

"John Doe" Matt answers. We still occasionally used Jim's alias since it was what we first knew him by.

I nod slightly. "He should have reached out. I would have given him a place to stay" I say sighing slightly.

"I'm not sure, he thought about it at the time. Nelsom really messed with him" Matt says.

"Understandable. Nelson always had a way of messing with people's head. I can't imagine what he did while he was actually in your mind." I say looking out the window.

Being an old scientist at syntec I understood how well Nelson manipulated people. I was one of those people he manipulated up until he died and to learn he had been controlling others through another timeline made it even harder. I guess you could say I was lucky thay Nelson didnt have control over me. I refused the serum in the first place and now im even more glad that liquid fidnt flow through my veins.

"How have you been feeling since you were released from his hold?" I asked.

"Odd. I have visions at times." Matt answers.

"Visions? Care to explain further?" I ask.

"They are almost like memories but not my memories"

"Nelson's memories? That makes sense" I say. "From his time at Syntec I presume" I had a fair bit of knowledge of this due to my time working with Scott and Deb, who managed to have memories of themselves from other timelines.

"Yes that would be correct" Matt says as we pull up to the S.P.I.R.E.

Matt and I head to the entrance. Matt climbs in first before I follow suit. Upon reaching the bottom of the ladder, I hear a familiar voice say my name.

"Y/N?" I hear Ben say.

I turn to look at him smiling. "So this is where you've been staying? I was wondering where you ran off too" I say as he walks over to me pulling me into a tight hug.

Ben and I had a special relationship. We were practically best friends during our time at Syntec. I also had a major crush on him as well. I was never really sure if he felt the same way back.

"When I told her I knew where you were she demanded I took her to see you" Matt says smiling.

"She was always the demanding on out of the two of us" Ben jokes causing me to elbow him.

"Am not. Anyway, I came here to tell you that you are going to be staying with me from now on. No if ands or buts" I say.

"See demanding" Ben says. "And what if I don't want to stay with you?"

"Okay harsh" I say pouting slightly.

"Oh stop pouting." Ben says hitting my pouting lip with his thumb slightly "I'll get my things"

My face instantly flushes. Matt smirks at me slightly "You like him" He whispers.

"Shut up" I say back.

Matt was nice enough to take Ben and I to my place. I quickly showed Ben around my place. I show him to the guest bedroom where we would be staying.

"I figured I would be staying in your room" Ben says smirking.

"And why would you think that?" I ask quickly, blush rising onto my face.

Ben shakes his head before gently kissing me. I immediately kiss back leaning into him slightly.

"I'll put my stuff your room" Ben says after he pulls out of the kiss. He grabs his stuff and heads to my room.

I was stunned for a few before smiling. "Yeah, yeah you can sleep in my room with me" I stutter as I go after him.

"I figured I could" Ben says before pulling me into another kiss after setting his things down

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