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Eddie Munson's house gets cold at night. Cold enough that even with a thick prickly blanket draped over me and the heaters on full blast, my hands shake.
Sitting at the opposite end of the room, Eddie doesn't seem bothered by lack of heat. In fact, he doesn't seem to notice it at all - he's still only in his shorts and t-shirt. I sigh, trying to get the blanket over every inch of my frigid body.

"You're sure you don't want to have a lie down in my bed?" Eddie croons, raising one eyebrow.

"Even if I had been considering it - which I wasn't - your stupid smug grin is more than enough to keep me far, far away from your room." I scoff, scowling indignantly.

"Yeah, I know you'd only sleep in my bed if I was in it." Eddie laughs at my look of outrage and shuffles over to the fridge, opening it up and peering inside. His eyebrows pinch together almost comically. "uh... would you like coke for dinner?" He laughs weakly.

Groaning, I rest my head back against the wall and stare at the ceiling, "don't tell me that's all! Jesus Christ, I thought someone who knows where to buy drugs would know where to buy food." I pause, then add; "and fuel."

Eddie rolls his eyes and tosses the coke to me. I catch it barely, the slippery outside making it fumble in my hand.

"Thanks." I crack the can open with a loud hiss and take a small sip. Although he tries to hide it, I can feel Eddie's eyes watching me carefully from the armchair.

He takes a long swig off his coke.
"I'm surprised you got into drugs, L/N."

I flex my hands around the coke can.
"Why's that?"

"Well, I recall you being a precious goody two-shoes a few years back. What happened, man?"

"I could ask you the same question... but I know you'll say you've always been this way"

The corners of Eddie's lips quirk upwards.
"Hmm... avoiding questions. That's a not a new one for you."

I drain the rest of the coke. "Fuck up."

Surprisingly, he does.

I adjust the blanket around my neck. Gazing out of the window behind Eddie, I can see the wind and the rain ripping through the trees, the harsh white lights from the doorways of the neighboring trailers highlighting the downpour, the few cars that pass by. I've always imagined the trailer park as a dangerous place. But it honestly doesn't look so bad. Maybe I'll even get my own place here.
As my eyes drift back to the floor, my thoughts drift back to Eddie. There's actually something I've been craving to ask him, but overstepping boundaries while he's offering me a place to stay out of the kindness of his heart is not something I want to do. But... 

"So, Eddie..." I fumble with the sleeve of my jumper, preparing to be literally thrown out of Eddie's front door, "you still fucking guys or what?"

My heart does a weird stop-and-start when I realise I will be one of the few people to make Eddie blush this hard. 

"Uhh..." Eddie looks from side to side, like he's waiting for someone to save him. Maybe I should. Maybe I should force out a laugh and say some incredibly homophobic joke, save Eddie from admitting something to someone he thinks would rather die than be within ten feet of someone like him. Because back when we were friends, I... wasn't as open minded as I am now.

"It's okay." I say hurriedly, and I'm about to say more, but Eddie doesn't let me.

"I'll give you one better," Eddie says softly, getting up from his chair and closing the distance between us. I swallow. He crouches down on the floor so we're face-to-face, and he narrows his big brown eyes.

I'm totally in for it.

"When did you start fucking guys?"

Well. I was not expecting that.

His mouth again twitches into a small devious smile. "So you really are doing it. I wasn't sure, but this whole... thing happening on your face," his gestures to my flushed cheeks. "has pretty much confirmed it, dear l/n."

My hands instinctively rake through my hair, and I laugh in complete and utter denial, "uh, well," ('keep your composure you fool' I scold myself.) "You're a hypocrite. You tell me off for avoiding questions and then you do it yourself." Eddie doesn't say a word, only let's his smile form into a wide triumphant grin.

"WELL. Speak up!"

Eddie finally breaks eye contact with a swing of his head, his bush of hair draping over his knees. He's so smug - I want to kick Eddie out of his own house.

"Alright alright, don't be so serious. You more than anyone knows about my, uh... how to put it. Homosexual activity? Well, I haven't changed, but you certainly have. Where's the non-drug-user, homophobic little rat boy I remember?"

I refuse to let my face contort into rage like it so desperately wants to.
"If we continue this any longer, those drugs will be gone far sooner than I planned." I manage to calm down enough to say.

Eddie merely shrugs and gets up from the floor.
"Don't think I'm letting you off so easily. I've got all night to break you."

I can't help the heat that crawls up my neck.

What the fuck is Eddie Munson doing to me?


YES I KNOW THIS IS SHORT, YES I KNOW I THIS TOOK TO LONG, but I would like to personally blame writing block for all of that.

thank you for anyone that's waited for this so long! - another touch starved transmasc

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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