1-4: The Past Has Caught Me.

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Ruby's POV

After combat class, me and my friends were having lunch as Nora was telling her dream and Ren telling what actually happened in Nora's dream. I looked over at Jaune and I was getting worried for my friend, the first friend I ever made since stepping foot to Beacon. He's a bit down because Cardin defeated him in Combat Class. Me and Pyrrha both asked if he was okay, since he was being bullied on. He says he's okay but a part of me didn't believe him.

Our attention was shifted over to Velvet being bullied by Cardin and his team. Cardin was pulling on her bunny ears, making her cried out in pain. Eventually he let go and Velvet scurried off. I can't stand him and i'm pretty sure everyone else couldn't stand him either. Thank Oum, I can't bear but have the thought of what'll happened if Cardin met Y/N...


It was the next day and it was time to get to work first thing, no excuses. We got three missing criminals. The Wild Buffalo, The Masked Masquerade, and Antonio Kennedy. I know i told the police that they should focus on the two more dangerous criminals. But still i can't help but worry. Also I still have that woman with the eyepatch to find.

Thankfully Matthew was able to identify the woman. Her name is Adria Tamasi. I was able to pull up some information about her, some very interesting information. When she was five, she lost her eye and her parents died right in front of her. That does explains the eyepatch. But here's the part that threw me off, Venkalth was the one that killed her parents and took her eye. So why are they working together then?

I decided to take a break on researching Adria and head back to researching Antonio. First i searched up who he looked like first. Bald, Has lots of tattoos, A bit buffed, Brown eyes... That seems like enough information from me. I then searched up why this Antonio guy was in jail.

My eyes widen a bit as i found out why. He has a thing of setting anything or anyone on fire. Buildings, People, Even children. It reminded me of what happened when I was three years old. My parents were killed in a fire... It can't be a coincidence right? They never did find the cause of that fire. Maybe he was the cause.

Ughhh now I'm curious... My fingers paused, hovering around the keyboard. Do i search up the victims this guy killed? Or do i just find the man with the information i currently have. My guts saying i need to find the man but my heart is telling me to search it up. I sighed to myself as i begin typing away. I was able to pull up a list of the people Antonio killed.

And then I swore time stopped. My parent's names were on that list.

My eyes wide and my mouth releasing a gasp. I didn't even know how loud I gasp. This is the guy that killed my parents, he's the one that set that fire up. My hands curled into fist as i walk towards my gear getting myself ready. Matthew is out shopping to gather more food and water since we're about to run out. I wrote a note and taped it up at the front door. It was time to catch the criminal that killed my parents, 12 years in the making.


I didn't even bothered to get on my motorcycle, I was finding him barefoot. Jumping from building to building. As i look down at the civilians, they all were minding their business. But none of them were Antonio Kennedy. I sigh as i continued looking, i was far from being done.

Ashthrone is a decent size place so it wouldn't be that hard to find him. Not much space to cover for me at least. At first I thought he would attack a big building, a building that would have a lot of impact on people if it falls. But turns out it wasn't the case as i check every major big important building. I was at the tallest building, looking through every building with my binoculars. Yes I bought binoculars. I then saw something, it was something gray. I didn't hesitate as i head over there as fast as i could.

As I got closer I saw the guy. It was him, Antonio Kennedy. He was pouring gasoline all over the house. My eyes widen as looking at the scene remind me of my family. He took away my family, i will not let him take another family. The list keeps on going and i'm gonna put a stop to that list. I saw him pull out a box of matches.

"NOOO!" I shouted knowing that the criminal heard me.

A paused from the man, that was all i needed. I tackled the man away from the house. As i was trying to pin him on the ground i noticed that the house he was trying to burn down, there was a forest behind them. I was able to take the box of matches throwing it far away from the man. He growled as he drags the criminal deep in the forest.

??? POV

The Underworld, that is where I am. The whole team was on a mission but i was the only one that stay behind due to illness. I'm feeling a lot better so I should get back to the action in no time. The Shark, The Grim Reaper, The Phoenix, The Priestess, and the Detective went to a planet to take care of some criminal that has cause the Detective some problems. Hope, Time, Space, Civilization, and Chaos went with a similar mission. That's their nicknames, mine's Nature!We all have actual names.

I was walking around the Grim Reaper's castle, that's where all of us stay. We're all like one big happy family! Although we are missing someone but he's always busy. Our team name is Hololive! I don't know where the name came from but it sounds cool. My semblance is called Keeper of Nature. It feels like I'm connected to every forest on Remnant so my body will feel pain depending on who's hurting whatever forest humans and faunus pick.

I head back to my room looking at the mirror. I have green hair, yellow eyes, and currently wearing a white and pink dress. I started glowing green as i feel myself being teleported to Ashthorne's Forest. Of course The Grim Reaper can make portals with just a swing of her scythe, same with the Priestess as she could just cast a spell. Thankfully I've been there before.

Once I got there, a large smile appeared on my face as i was ready to see him once again. My love. Well me and Civilization are dating him so it's our love. The foxes and the birds come to greet me, well to be fair i did show up out of nowhere. But they seem to be friendly with me, they enjoy my presence. That makes me happy.

But then suddenly I heard a scream. A voice that I recognized all too well. But the voice, it had pain and sadness behind it. It was so loud that it scared all of the birds and foxes. I ran towards the voice while the foxes ran away from it and the birds flying away from it.

As soon as i saw the scene, my heart and my body felt as frozen as ice. I saw Y/N, on top of a guy. I can see Y/N wanting to punch his lights out but why? He screamed again before punching on the ground beside the man. He got off of the man before turning him on his stomach, putting his arms behind his back.

"Shut the fuck up, the police will take care from here on." Y/N said

Y/N punches his lights out before sitting away from the man. He sighed deeply as he sat down before covering his face with his hands. I didn't know what to do, i have never see Y/N acted like that. The first thing that came up on my mind is to walk towards him and comfort him. And so that's what i did.

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