3-6: The Shocking Intel

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Author's POV

Day 6

It was the afternoon and Y/N just got back to Ashthrone with the rest of the team. The tension was still up in the air as both sisters, scratch that Ruby Rose doesn't want to talk or do anything with Yang at the moment. The first thing she did when the bullhead landed outside on Ashthrone, she quickly made her way out. Y/N did say that he was going to handle Ruby, and he will.

It was just them at his base alone as they were working on Y/N's new weapon. And by the gods Ruby was excited when it comes to weapons which Y/N doesn't mind, he giggles at the sight of Ruby's eyes sparkling when she saw the idea and the blueprints. The weapon was supposed to be a bo-staff that can be split into two and that can be turned into pistols. He wanted the pistols to have a built in compressor, he told Ruby that he wants these pistols to be quiet whenever he shoots. And thankfully Ruby Rose knows what he was talking about because Y/N didn't know how to word it.

"Haha so this is how you are whenever you see new weapons." Y/N said giggling as he watches her speed and run around gathering materials

"Hehe can you blame me? When you ask me to make you a new weapon, i couldn't turn down the offer!" Ruby said with a wide smile.

Y/N couldn't help but shake his head at his sister as they were having some time to bond. But the boy wish that it was with Yang too. He so badly wanted to have a conversation to Ruby about Yang but he knew that he won't get anything out of her, at least not yet.

"So all these years you been protecting Ashthrone by yourself?" Ruby asked

"Well not by myself, i had some help but they're not here right now." Y/N simply answer

"I would love to meet them!" Ruby said

That made Y/N stop whatever he was doing to make his new weapon. His mind immediately went to his deceased butler Matthew. He never forget the sacrifice he made for him to take down Gizena. He bit the inside of his cheek as a frown replaced the smile that was on his face. But quickly he snapped out of it, he can think of Matthew for another time.

And Adria, he hasn't hear from her in a while. He was able to exchange scroll numbers with her the last time they met, he assumes that she is still finding herself. Finding her purpose, he should text her later today. But she is a busy person just like himself

And then there's the Warrior with the Warning... One, Y/N has no way to communicate with him. Two, it's probably for the best to keep Ruby away from him. He does not like anyone.


Meanwhile at a peaceful town, she has the same routine as always. Wake up, find business to take care of, eat, head back to handling business, eat again, and then sleep. And then it repeats every day, twenty-four seven, seven days a week. That's what it's been for most of the civilians here in this town.

But in this town, a woman was getting herself prepared. She was getting dress in her battle attire. She puts on a black and purple catsuit, the colors work so well especially when she works at night. She combs and fixes her medium length black hair with purple highlights. Her eyes were two different colors, one was black while the other was purple. One of her eyes was glowing, the purple eye was a replacement eye courtesy of Venkalth.

"Ughhh... time to see what to do today..." The woman groan as she steps outside, getting on her motorcycle.

Adria Tamasi cracks her neck as she drives on her motorcycle leaving the town that she stayed at. She puts on a pair of headphones as she listen to whatever music her scroll was playing. She continued to drive and look around, enjoying the scenery.

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