2-1: Welcome To Ashthrone

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Author's POV

It was Four Months after Y/N Rose has left Ashthrone and things are about to get interesting. Winter Schnee was making her way into the town of Ashthrone. It was no surprise that Ashthrone is one of those towns that no one has heard off. But a town with a moderate size of population. General Ironwood was interested in the town and so was I to be fair. The town should have a Huntsman or a Huntress or it would be crumbled into the ground. So that's what Winter Schnee was doing for the week, exploring the town of Ashthrone.

She was walking through a forest that would lead her to Ashthorne based on her map. But then she heard several growls, growls only grimm can make. She sighs to herself as she pulls out her swords waiting for something to show up. She then saw several Beowolfs charging and leaping towards the Schnee. Winter was about to attack before several sharp vines intercepted, piercing through the Beowolfs. She was in awe as she watches the Grimm fade away. Whatever that was, she had to admit it was a pretty handy semblance.

"Wow..." Winter said in slight awed

"Well well well... What do we have here?" A soothing voice said

Winter turns around with her sword pointing at a girl. She took noticed of the girl's appearance. She had to be at least seventeen years old. She has green hair and a dress that she couldn't really describe, but it was really pretty. Her eyes are a golden yellow color. A hawk was on her shoulder looking at the Schnee.

"It's not often we get visitors outside of Ashthrone." She said

"Did you... do this?" Winter asked

"The vines? Well of course, let's just say me and Nature are like one." The girl said as the hawk cawed then flew off.

"My name is Fauna, Ceres Fauna." She introduced, extending her hand

"Winter, Winter Schnee." Winter shook her hand

"Winter... What a lovely name... So what are you doing here Winter?" Fauna asked

"Well me and a couple people from the military just found out about this place and they send me to explore and learn about this Ashthrone." Winter explained

"From the military? Oh, you must be from the Atlas Military am i right?" Fauna question getting a nod from Winter

"I see, i don't really pay much attention to what's really happening out there." Fauna admitted

"Usually towns that we haven't heard of are usually into pieces... But this Ashthrone place seems normal but also..." Winter said before being cut off

"Also has some dark vibe into it right?" Fauna asked with Winter silently agreeing.

"Yeah don't worry you'll get used to it." Fauna assures her

"Are you from this place?" Winter asked

"Oh actually... I'm a professional huntress!" Fauna said pulling out her scroll

Winter eyes widen in shock as she stared at the girl in front of her. She was a huntress, the proof is there on her scroll. It shows her Huntress License. But how did she get one in such a young age? But then again what she did back there, she could sense how strong she was.

"A huntress... so are you protecting this place?" Winter questioned

"For the time being, you see the Huntsman that usually lives here left four months ago. Some incident happened which made left. He's okay Psychically but not mentally." Fauna tried to explain as best as she could.

"Ahh i see, may I ask who this Huntsman is?" Winter asked

"His name is Y/N, Y/N Rose." Fauna said making Winter gasp in surprise.

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