Chapter 4

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Selena's POV
When I woke up I shot out of my bed not remembering what happened after dropping from the bridge. But I felt myself blush as I remembered them each kissing me. I then noticed the curtains open and I rolled over closing them and blocking out the sun. After I did I rolled back over and placed my pillow over my face screaming into it until I noticed I had what felt like a leather collar around my neck. So I got up and looked in the mirror to see a leather collar with property of lost boys printed on a tag. I blushed and tried to pull it off only to see a lock on the back that needs a key. A few minutes later Mike stumbled into my room wearing sunglasses that he moved up when he saw how dark my room was. " Hey Selena, what happened after we dropped off the bridge?" I shrugged and looked at him. "I'm not sure I think they brought us home.I mean it's not hard to guess where we live." He nodded and leaned on the door until Sam came into my room too. "Mom wants yall" we began to leave my room when mike noticed my new collar. " ohh looks like someone got their own harem." I blushed and shoved him through the door. " it's not like that. I'm actually not sure what's going on." he nodded and leaned against the wall. " okay spill" I sighed and stopped next to him. " i don't know mikey i really like them and its like sparks run up my skin when i'm near them.'' Mike smiled and ruffled my hair softly. " I understand that I feel the same way about star. In the short time I've known her I feel like I would die for her." " same for them mike. Now let's go, your mom is waiting for us and I believe she's got that date tonight." he nodded and we walked downstairs to see sam and grandpa getting ready. Sam held out the phone to Mike and he took it talking to auntie over the phone before hanging up. " She called to remind us about her date and told us to stay in and watch sam." I nodded and moved to the fridge grabbing some food to cook and Mike came up behind me. " Man, I'm really thirsty, are you?" I shook my head and stared at him out of the corner of my eye. " no im good but mike you don't look good. Maybe you should go rest, I'll take care of sam." he nodded and went up stairs as I cooked food for us until grandpa came down all dressed up and I smiled. " Oh, do you have a date grandpa?"  he nodded, smoothing down his slicked back hair. " yup i have a hot date with the widow johnson." I then saw the taxidermied dog in his hands and smiled, shaking my head. " Okay you go have fun and tell her i said hi." he nodded and waved as he walked out the door. I then smiled and wiped my hand before putting on an apron. " Sam, I'm cooking dinner. It's going to be steak and potatoes." he smiled and nodded as nanook wagged his tail. " okay sel i can't wait."
Time skip
After dinner I had Sam help me cleanup as I wrapped Mike's dinner and placed it in the fridge. When we finished I sent Sam up to take a bath. I smiled hearing him sing with the radio before turning on the one downstairs. I danced for a while until I saw a shadow pass by the stairs. When I looked up I saw Mike standing in front of the bathroom door, he was staring at it as I called out for him. When he opened the door I heard nanook growling for a bit until him and Mike suddenly came rolling down the stairs. I rushed over and saw Mike's face like a vamps and I immediately grabbed him pushing nanook out of the way. My own face flashing for a minute until Mike calmed down and I let him up as he grabbed his wounded hand from where nanook bit him. A second later Sam came running down and  was freaking out about nanook. " What happened michael?" " Nanook..." " What about Nanook?  What have you done to Nanook?!  What have you  done to my dog asshole?"  "Nothing!  I didn't hurt him.  He bit me!  This is my blood"  i then saw Michael show Sam the bite across the palm of his hand and  Sam quickly stepped back and Nanook suddenly appeared protectively beside him. "What did you do to him, Michael? Why did he bite you?" I saw Mike getting angry and I quickly stepped between them "He was protecting you!" Sam is shocked to hear this.  But gets an even greater shock when he looks at the mirror in the hallway.  He gasps out loud. I turned to look and quickly felt my blood freeze.  "What??" " Look at your reflection in the  mirror!!" Michael looks at the mirror and is startled to see that he is nearly invisible. I growled under my breath making sure to stay out of the mirror until what I heard Sam say next made me spring into action " You're a creature of the night,  Michael!  Just like the comic book... You're a vampire, Michael!  My own brother -- a goddamn shit-sucking vampire! Wait'll Mom finds out!"  Michael looks confused and bewildered.   As He moves toward the staircase I sigh and quickly move to behind Sam grabbing his shoulders as he yells at Michael. "Stay back!  Stay back!"  He makes a cross with his fingers and tries to run for his room. But I stopped him as my eyes turned red. " Sam, go to bed. When you wake up everything will be okay." he nodded dazed and quietly went up to his room, his eyes glazed over as Mike looked at me with shock. " What are you sel?" I sighed and moved to the couch sitting on it as I motioned for Mike to follow. " Well I'm like what you are now but at the same time I'm not." he motioned for me to continue. " Mike, you're a half-vampire now. But a turned one I'm a natural born one. I know it's hard to accept but it's the truth. Now what this means is we can walk in the sun but it's irritating and we will age until we fully turn." he glared at me before standing up. " So you're telling me bloodsuckers are real and you've been one for your entire life. How many people have you killed?" I looked at him hurt. " I've never killed anyone Michael. I can't believe you'd think that of me. For your information the transformation is complete when we make our first kill and I've yet to do that." he looked hurt as i raised my voice at him but i didn't care " just get out mike until i clear my head. Because I'm highly tempted to make you my first kill at this rate." he nodded and left as i went up to my room and broke down in tears on my floor huddled into a ball. As I cried I suddenly heard light taps on my window and when I looked up I saw Marko and the others sitting behind him on my tree. " May we come in, I think we have some explaining to do." I nodded and before I could blink they surrounded me in hugs as I cried . They all took turns patting my back and their mixed scents finally started to calm me down.  When I finished they pulled back one by one and I looked up at them. " Hey babydoll, we need to show you something because we figured you were probably going crazy wondering what's going on." I laughed and rubbed the tears from my eyes." god im stupid i should have realized it sooner. You guys are vampires." they looked at me in shock before David knelt down to me " princess how did you guess that so quickly?" I smiled and suddenly showed my vampire face that was similar to theirs but different at the same time. They all stepped back and stared at me in shock. I then felt the smile fall off my face as tears filled my eyes again. " y'all are afraid of me aren't you, just like mike?."  I slumped to the ground and started crying again but they quickly came over and David pulled me into his lap as the others started trying to calm me again. " shh~ princess, we're not afraid we just don't understand why you're different from us you drank out of the bottle like mike did." I looked up at them in shock. " So you're telling me the bottle was filled with your blood."  David nodded and I sighed. " That explains the buzz like high i got from it. And I'm different because I was born a half vampire. My father is Dracula, the first vampire and my mother was human. She passed away in childbirth. They nodded and sat holding me for a while until we all calmed down for a bit. Marko then shot up and smiled. " wait so that makes you a actually princess.'' I giggled softly and shook my head. '' a countess actually but that was a long time ago in my fathers history. Now he's a vampire hunter for the hellsing organization. He hunts down vampires and ghouls that are out of control and aren't covering their tracks." I saw them all looking at each other. " He won't come after us will he, angel?"  Marko asked softly. " no you guys have been covering your tracks and you don't have the ability to create ghouls so you're good." they nodded and David then stood up and held his hand out to me. " So princess , how do you become a full  vamp?"  I looked away and bit my lip. " I have to make my first kill and I won't do that unless it's in self defense."  Paul then came over and took my chin in his fingers and growled softly. " Babygirl don't do that. Biting your lip is dangerous around us." I blushed and looked at all of them to see their eyes darken slightly. " I can't help it, it's my nervous habit." Then David took my chin from Paul and smirked. " princess would you like to make your first kill tonight we can go grab one of those pig surf nazi's i believe you left here cause one of them hurt you really badly and me and the boys found him." my eyes widened slightly and i had to hold back the urge to growl. " How did you guys find out about that? I thought I took care of it.'' Dwayne then let a low growl rumble out of his chest. " The bastard was bragging about it tonight at the boardwalk and I wanted to rip his jaw out but David figured you want to do it yourself.'' I nodded but I knew what had to be done. " I promised my father it would be in self defense so I wont do anything for now but if he tries anything I'll kill him." David and the others nodded before Paul leaned down and pulled me into a deep kiss. I smiled and purred into it before he moved away and I whined softly before Marko took his place giving me a sweet, soft kiss. I smiled and giggled softly as my hands moved to curl his hair around my fingers. I heard David huff and clear his throat. " my turn marko." Marko chuckled against my lips and pulled away before I could reach for one of them. David picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pulled me into a deep kiss, his tongue moving across my lips wanting in. I giggled and decided to tease him, he growled against my lips and moved his hand down and pinched my ass. I gasped and he used that chance to dive his tongue between my lips quickly dominating the kiss before I could have a chance. I moaned softly into the kiss as I felt his large hand squeeze my ass firmly, my arms going around his neck and my fingers curling into the longish strands of his white hair, playing softly with the back of his hair. His tongue danced with mine dominating me entirely as he began to move to my bed until he let go and dropped me onto it, disconnecting our lips. I laid there dazed as he stood above me with a shit eating grin decorating his sexy lips. I growled softly as I felt my vamp rise to the surface and I growled softly feeling my face transform. Making Paul speak up. " damn baby your vamp face is sexy, those fully red eyes get me going." I felt my eyes widen and I hopped up rushing over to the mirror and when I looked I saw my eyes in vamp mode were now fully red and when I turned to look at all the boys I realized why I felt so drawn to them and attached. " You're my mates." they all grinned and before i could blink dwayne was in front of me picking me up. " Finally our cutie realized it. We figured it out last night after we brought you and micheal home. Max, our sire told us about it." I blushed and moved my hand to cup Dwayne's face, gently running my thumb along his jaw as I looked into his eyes and then I looked at the others. I then felt a smile slowly spread along my lips " my lost boys, My wild mates." They smiled and each got closer. " our countess." I giggled and shook my head. " don't call me that, please, my mates." they chuckled and nodded before Dwayne pulled my attention back to him. "Babydoll, I believe everyone else has got their kiss but I didn't."  I giggled and  pulled him into a kiss, my hands moving into his hair as I felt his rough hand move to my hair and he gently pulled the bobby pin keeping my hair up causing it to fall down my back in waves. I blushed softly as I felt him bunch my hair into his hand tugging it back til we separated a trail of saliva still connecting our lips which he broke as he licked his lips with a smirk. He then began trailing his lips down my neck nipping lightly as I squirmed softly in his arms, one by one the boys surrounded me, David moving to the other side of my neck opposite to Dwayne as I saw Paul and Marko waiting their turn with hungry eyes. David then pulled away his vamp face showing, " princess can we have your permission to mark you?" i nodded softly, still dazed from the kisses " of course but you should know when you drink my blood you'll become kinda like me. Holy water won't affect y'all and yes you can still sleep in the day but the most you'll get is a bad sunburn if exposed to it.'' David grinned and nuzzled against my neck as Dwayne continued sucking hickeys into the other side. " Oh darling, that sounds like a win-win situation to me, princess. We get immunity to one of our biggest weaknesses and a tolerance to another. Plus we get our gorgeous mate."  I smiled softly and purred " printul meu, razboinic meu please mark me and then i want demonul meu and motanel meu to mark me." David growled softly hearing me and his lips went to my neck as he and Dwayne left love bites and hickeys until they hit a spot on each side that made me moan softly. It was then I felt their fangs graze my neck before they bit down. I let out a low keen of pleasure as they sucked blood from my neck softly until I felt them begin to pull away. " shh babydoll calm. ''Dwayne whispered in my ear as I started to squirm. I looked into his brown eyes and purred softly. " I'm glad i met y'all but after this we need to have a serious talk about turning my cousin." he chuckled softly as paul moved to take me out of his arms and david pulled away slowly licking his lips of my blood. "Okay princess we will after paul and marko have their turn they look like they're about to lose control." I looked over to see Paul and Marko vamped out and I hopped away from David and Dwayne and over to them. " aww were you two getting impatient." They nodded and pulled me between them as they let out low growls, their lips falling to my collarbones giving it the same treatment that David and Dwayne did to my neck. They continued til they had me squirming and whining softly in their arms. Finally I felt their fangs graze sensitive spots on my collarbone and they bit down, sucking my blood softly at first and picking up fever until I felt light headed and I had to tap Paul's shoulder to let him know. " Paul, Marko let her go, she's about to pass out." David pulled on Marko's shoulder and I felt him pull away from behind as Paul let go and picked me up bridal style before setting me in the bed. " Sorry babygirl, guess we got carried away" I glared softly at him as he carried me to my bed and placed me in it. I then heard Dwayne sigh and he moved into my closet and came back out a moment later with a black nightgown and a bag of my animal blood. " babydoll what's this?" I looked down softly and held out a hand for it. " It's animal blood. My grandpa's hunter friends get it for me at least until I make my first kill." dwayne sighed and shook his head, " its no wonder your weak for even a halfling. baby doll animal blood is not good for you." i then felt the bed dip beside me and i looked up to see dwayne sitting beside me and the others quickly followed suit. " babydoll don't hesitate to let us know if your hungry, we'll be happy to let you feed on us." i blushed softly and pulled my blanket over my head. " i've never bitten anyone before only blood bags."  " aww you really are like a baby vamp." I heard paul coo and i peeked out from under the blanket glaring at him. " Maybe right now but when I make my first kill I might be stronger than all of you.'' David stroked my head sending the soft sparks through me as I purred softly, my eyes closing. " Sure princess but for now you need to drink." He then reached out placing his wrist in front of my mouth and before I could think I took his wrist in my hands and yanked him to me til his neck was level with my mouth. I then could smell the sweet mint scent rolling off him. I smiled as my fangs came out and I trailed them along his neck as he lightly shivered from it. I licked his neck softly to numb the area before biting down. When I did I heard him let out a strangled moan. I could feel the others staring as i slowly drank from him taking in the sweet mint flavor as i purred softly until i pulled back and before i could realize what i was do i felt myself push him back as i straddled him and dove right back into his neck biting the other side as i looked up at the others a feral feeling flooding me as i saw them all staring at me with lust. I then pulled back and purred seeing David dazed and panting under me as I licked my lips savoring the flavor of his blood. " damn princess that was hot." I grinned and pulled him into a rough kiss as my fangs clashed with his and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Dwayne behind me. " woah baby girl calm down your suffering a blood high." I whined and pulled back and reached for him to pull him into a kiss. " nah ah princess dwayne's right as much as i hate it you need to let your body adjust to the new type of blood in your system. You've been feeding on animal blood which has been poisoning you and making you weak." I pouted as they made me go to the bathroom to change and I smiled softly, happy to have met my mates.
Dwayne's pov
We watched her enter the bathroom and when she closed the door I ran to the fridge and grabbed all the bags of animal blood. Paul and Marko were quick to help me get rid of them all. " i swear when i find out who's been poisoning our princess, i'll rip them to shreds.'' David growled as we threw the bags into the trash. " I mean she said that her grandpa was giving it to her. It's possible he doesn't know the effects it has on the vampire body and the fact it renders our powers weak and makes us almost human. It's one of the few weaknesses that isn't pubilized." he growled softly and sighed. " Fine, we won't kill him unless he's doing it on purpose. But we need to help our princess get her strength back. I can already sense she's going to be a strong vampire. I mean earlier she pushed me back with ease." I heard Paul let out a low whistle. " oh we know bossman it was hot, we never thought someone would dominate you like that.and when you whimpered. I don't think she realized it. It was adorable." I saw David glare at Paul and he fixed his hair from where she messed it up. " We are not to speak of that ever again. I was just surprised." Marko then spoke up and asked something that was on all our minds. " What was that she called us earlier?" I thought about it for a moment before a soft voice caught our attention. "It was Romanian, my fathers native tongue. He taught me a few things before he sent me to live with my mom's family." I moved to her and cupped her face softly as we all took in her appearance. Her hair was down and still slightly tousled from our kissing sessions as her neck and collarbones were littered with hickeys and our marks. " baby girl what did those phrases mean?" she blushed and tried to hide her face in my hand, but I pulled away. " um it was terms of e-endearment." We all smiled and my brothers came up behind me. " What do they mean in English, princess?" David asked softly. She then looked up shyly, her hair covering one of her eyes. " printul meu means my prince, razboinic meu means my warrior" she looked at me and david as she explained so we knew which nickname belonged to who. She then looked at Marko and paul. " demonul meu means my demon and motanel meu means my little tomcat.'' Paul and Marko looked mock offended. " aww babydoll why do Dwayne and David get awesome nicknames?" She looked confused. " I don't understand those are supposed to be compliments from what my father told me. Do you not like them?" She looked close to tears and I quickly pulled her into a hug, her legs wrapping around my waist as I glared at Paul and Marko who immediately started apologizing. David went up behind them and smacked them in the back of their heads. " they love them princess they were just joking around." she nodded and sniffled softly before i took her over to the bed noticing it was getting close to time for the sun to rise. " baby girl we have to go, sadly the sun will rise soon and we won't be able to see you tomorrow cause we're going to have a talk with michael." she nodded and yawned softly as we tucked her into bed. Marko slipped off her other choker leaving the one we gave her before kissing her cheek and paul came and kissed her other cheek as i kissed her forehead and david pressed a soft kiss to her lips. " sweet dreams princess, baby girl, babydoll, angel" we all said as we went out the window david pulling the curtains and window closed. When we got to the cave we noticed Michael in bed with star and we knew we could use this to our advantage.

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