Chapter 1

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Selena's POV
I sighed as I sat next to the window, Nanook's head in my lap as I watched the ocean go by with light interest. Micheal and Sam were goofing off as aunt Lucy was driving us to Santa Carla, California, our new home. I've lived with her and my cousins for the past ten years and now that my aunt divorced my asshole uncle we're moving from Phoenix to equally sunny Cali. As I pet Nanook's head I looked at Micheal with a smirk. "So pretty boy I bet you're excited to be around all the hot girls." He scoffed and shoved me lightly on the shoulder "shut it I don't need you doing that too, I've already got Sam teasing me about it." I smiled, "oh I know but he's too young to fully tease you. Besides, someone has to keep your ego in check." He laughed and smirked at me. "Oh, then what about you? You've never mentioned a guy the entire time we've lived together. Are you sure you're not into girls?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged, touching my choker lightly. "No, it's just no one caught my interest. Besides the fact I'll be either moving back with my dad or going to college soon puts a damper on that." I grimaced because I was lying. You see I have a major secret, I'm a vampire well half at least and have been my entire life. The only one who knows is grandpa and my dad. My father is Alucard aka Dracula hellsings hunter. He sent me to live with my mom's family so I could learn how to interact with regular people and blend in. My choker allows me to walk in the day without any negative effects. Grandpa is sworn to secrecy as long as I don't kill anyone without it being in defense. Now unlike other vampires, the only thing that can kill me is being staked. But dad said once I make my first kill I might be like him and able to use souls to regenerate my own life. But he's unsure. Now my name is Selena nightly, my father took that last name to marry my mom and kept it. I'm 5'6 with long black hair that falls to my waist, it's wavy so I keep it up in a ponytail most of the time with a gold ribbon tying it up. I like wearing gold and white because it brings out my natural gold eyes. But when I vamp out they go red around the rim. Dad said they'll go fully red when I find my mate or mates, but I honestly don't care. I smiled lightly at Nanook and remembered the first time I met him when Sam got him. He growled at me until he realized I wasn't a threat and now I'm his favorite person next to Sam. I pet him softly behind his ears and his tail began wagging and hitting Michael's chest. " damn Nanook chill we get it she's your favorite person." Michael laughed and grabbed his tail, stopping it. As we passed the sign welcoming us to Santa Carla we looked and saw the back of it said the murder capital of the world. Lucy and Sam didn't notice but Michael and I looked at each other. Shortly after we arrived in town where Mike got his bike out and they asked about jobs. After that was a bust we headed to the house and as we pulled up mike hopped off his bike and we saw grandpa laying on the ground. I walked over and looked at grandpa with a bored look on my face. " Is he dead, if he is, can we go back to Phoenix?" I glared at Sam and poked grandpa. " playing dead and from the sound of it I was doing damn good too." I rolled my eyes and helped him up only for him to pull me into a hug. " You look more like your mother every day." I smiled and hugged back " I know grandpa and me and dad miss her too." he smiled and ruffled my hair lightly before opening the door. " Well, let's get y'all inside. Oh, and your room is like it was before." I smiled and went up to my room as the boys fought over the other rooms. As I entered my room I opened the door to the pitch-black room thanks to the black-out curtains. I flicked on the light to reveal my deep purple walls and rock posters, I smiled and ran over and flopped on my soft canopy bed. I sighed softly enjoying the comfiness before I felt my throat start to burn so I got up and went to my closet and inside was my little fridge filled with bags of animal blood that grandpa gets from the local hunters. I quickly grabbed one and sipped it down.when I finished I heard grandpa setting the rules for them and after a few moments I went to my closet and came out with a white sundress with a sweetheart neckline in my arms when I heard mike behind me "aww this isn't fair he already had your room setup." I smirked and looked at him out of the corner of my eye as I walked to my dresser to grab a pair of panties. "It helps to spend summers here and to become the favorite grandchild Mikey." He was about to say something but saw the clothes in my arms. "Well, I don't need to see that so I'm going to go clean my bike and be ready in about an hour we're going to the boardwalk. Mom wants to get a job." I nodded and quickly got ready to go into my bathroom.
Time skip
After I finished my shower and got dressed, I dried my hair and decided to leave it down for the night with a gold headband with black flowers holding it back out of my face. I looked in my mirror and smiled at my barely-there reflection. I relished it knowing that if I ever make my first kill it will disappear. " Selena, time to go. We're waiting on you." I heard Sam run up the steps and I moved to open my door only to laugh at his odd sense of fashion. " Sammy, we've got to help you pick better outfits." he rolled his eyes and I grabbed my leather jacket. " Okay I'm coming Sam, keep your hair on." I chuckled and walked past him, closing my door as I slid on my jacket. " Let's go. I'm starved and I need funnel cakes." he laughed and we all headed out.
Time skip
When we got to the boardwalk we could hear the concert from the entrance. But before we could go, Lucy stopped us. " stay together you three I don't need one of yall going missing." I rolled my eyes knowing I had all their scent memorized and I could easily find them all. " Now I'm going to find a job while yall go have fun." I smiled and waved as me, Mike and Sam drifted away through the crowd. " Why won't your mom let my dad send you money he really wants to." Mike shrugged. " You know my mom, she's stubborn and wants to make her own money and way.'' I nodded and sighed, smiling when we got to the concert and I ran up with Sam and Mike beside me and the guy on stage sang and played the saxophone. As we listened I noticed Michael's attention draw to a woman drifting through the crowd that looked oddly familiar to me. After the concert ended we all followed mike as he followed the girl, sam teasing him the entire time till I noticed a comic book store across from us. " hey Sammy look!" He looked over and saw it quickly grabbing my hand and dragging me over as I laughed. When we got it I noticed a small part of the store had vinyls, so I drifted over to those and started looking over the ACDC ones. After a few minutes of looking, I felt someone walk up behind me. So I moved to the side and started looking at Van Halen's music. As I was flipping through them I heard a rough but sexy voice speak up. " Van Halen and ACDC, nice choices in music, not many girls I know listen to them." I rolled my eyes and turned my head slightly as I began to speak. " You must not know many girls with taste.." I fell silent as I felt a blush lightly dust my cheeks at the handsome stranger behind me. He stood at around 6ft with long dark hair and pretty caramel skin that hinted at Native American descent. But the thing that drew my attention the most was his shirt or more accurately the lack of one. As I stared at his abbs for a minute I heard him say something, so I shook out of it and looked into his eyes which were a rich dark chocolate brown color. I quickly turned my gaze back to the vinyls and as I was pretending to look at them again he spoke up. " So would you like to maybe ditch this joint and maybe go get a bite to eat with me.?" I choked back a laugh at the irony of his question before I turned back a smirk now adjoining my lips as he was now leaning towards me, his arms going to either side of me resting on the shelf behind me. Our chests touched slightly. " So what do you say cutie?" I chuckled and gently pressed my hand on his chest pushing him back slowly, going with it until his back hit the shelf behind him. I eyed the smirk on his lips until my next words made it fade. " aww how cute, you think all because you're handsome I'm interested and will follow you like a lost puppy. You could be a killer for all I know. But trust me, honey, I'm worse than anything you could ever be." and with that, I backed up and turned to Sam who was staring at me in shock as well as the two boys he was with. " come on Sammy I'm sure auntie is worried about us shall we go this place is a little crowded for my taste but I might come back later for a vinyl or two." I then turned back to the man and waved slightly. " By the way, the name's Selena." he stared in shock before breaking out of it. "I'm Dwayne" I nodded, and Sam and I walked out of the shop to find mike looking sad but he had a funnel cake in his hand which made me squeal in joy and take it happily.

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