The Grim Butcher (Part 1)

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Payne came into the office, expecting a boring day of nothing but reports. At least she wasn't alone, having Polaris with her. She wasn't the only Payne in the office, however...

"This place looks cool, mum! I like it more than your old office."

Jones was already there, blinking at Tom, who was looking around the office.

"Uh, partner, why's Tom here?"

"Hey again, little man!" Sinclair waved while Thompson woke up from their brief nap. Charlie was still sleeping in her bed.

"Well, Jennifer couldn't make it, and all the professors at the university are in a meeting, so Alessia and Martin couldn't babysit," the woman frowned, glancing at her phone once again, "Seriously, Jennifer's usually on time. I even tried messaging her mother... Nothing. So Tom has to stay here for the day."

The Chief then entered the room.

"Payne, Jones... Canine. Follow me. I have a case for you but," he glanced at Tom, "I'd rather not tell you in front of the boy."

Tom grasped his mother's arm, "Wait, who's gonna look after me? Aunt Louise is busy!"

Thompson patted the boy's shoulder, "Deep breaths, little pal. We've got ya. And if your mom comes back with gross evidence, we can send ya to Alex. He's a little nerd, like you!"

He glanced down at his shirt, which had two video-game plumbers on it, "Ok, I guess I am a nerd... Mum, good luck!"

She looked at Tom with concern, but he reassured her, "Charlie's a cute dog, so I'll be ok. I think dogs help me with people. So... Look after Polaris!"

After a quick hug between mother, son, and pet, the Chief took the white dog and his two masters to his office. The older man sighed.

"We've had a call from a young woman. It came from Colletti's Warehouse, near Patrick Street," he said, glancing at Payne, who felt her blood run cold, "Payne, I'm afraid that Jennifer Carter is dead, and by the description, her death was horrific. Do you think you can handle this? You knew the girl."

Jones stared at his partner, who looked like she was going to punch something or cry, "Yeah. I'll do this. I'll tell Tom about it... Sometime soon. Is it alright with you if he stays here, sir?"

"Of course. I have nothing against Thomas staying at the station, as long as he has someone with him at all times. Now, go!"

The Chief nodded, sending the pair and Polaris back to their office, where they grabbed their forensic kits and left the office. Tom smiled at his mother, but she didn't return it, looking at her phone, and deleting a certain number from it.

"Mum...? You're looking really upset. That's never good. Who is it, mum? Who's gone?" the boy worried.

"Look after my son for me, you two. I'll explain things when I feel like myself again," she growled.

Thompson and Sinclair glanced at each other, confused, while Jones shrugged and left with Payne and Polaris. They left Tom hugging Charlie.


Outside the warehouse was the butcher himself, a man with black hair and brown eyes. He wore a yellow shirt underneath his apron and he wrung his hands nervously. Talking to other officers was a poor-looking young man with black hair and green eyes, and a black-haired teen girl with blue eyes, also wearing a yellow shirt.

"Those three must be important. And if the Chief said that a girl called us, it must be her!" Jones nodded at the teen, whose hands clenched while talking to the officers.

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