Y/n known as many things, The Dragon God, The True Dragon King and so mich more Y/n was there when God made the Universe and God asked him if he ever wonder if Humans would kill others for Sins and Y/n said "If they do asked them an Question why did...
"Speaking." 'Thought?' "YELLING?!" "Y/n In his Dragin Form."
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Y/n was watching video that the Spy gave him and found Ryoba thing she does everyday she cleans, Go out then she stays home most of the time but now she is Going to be going out so Y/n can get her but Y/n has to watch out cause they said she was an Yandere aswill but she killed her Husband when she found him talking to his Sister and Y/n got up and sigh hard then Y/n eye change into many versions then became his normal then Y/n walked out while the Girls was going to school But Y/n had an Plan to do
To the Mall
Y/n was walking around in his Normal Outfit
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(Y/n casual Outfit)
And Y/n was walking to the Jewely Store then As Y/n walked inside Y/n saw his Target Ryoba Aishi
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And Y/n was walking over to the Ring area then looked at the Rings there then saw Many Rings he likes
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