[●◇Chapter 6◇●] Welcome to Taimanin and Dragon Maids!

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"Y/n Dragon Form."

To Y/n own Universe

Y/n teleported the Girls he now owns and then They looked around and saw they were in an Area that it seems for Dragons then they heard an Roar and they turn there head and saw

(Y/n Angelic Dragon Roar^)

(Y/n Angelic Dragon Form^)

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(Y/n Angelic Dragon Form^)

And then they heard another roar and turn to head

(Demonic Dragon Roar^)

(Y/n Demonic Dragon Form)

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(Y/n Demonic Dragon Form)

Then they rush to each other ghen Clash to each orther then an Sonic boom was made then Y/n snap his finger then the Sonic boom went away then the Dragons disappeared and the girls was confuss then Y/n said "You met two of my dragon forms and they are much bigger then that now lets go inside the house." Then an Massion was infront of them then they walked inside then the girls went to there Rooms while Y/n had the Babys in his Hands then sit on the couch and saw the net Universe he is going to and it said "Welcome to Taimanin and Dragon Maids Universe! We hope you enjoy the Universe sir." And Y/n sigh at that then looked at his List and saw that his next form to use is his Asain Deagon Form

Outside of the Book

(Okay You may not know Y/n has Limits to using his Forms cause there stuipedly over powers and so he wrote an List so he knows what form he goes into and Here is the List

Monday to Tuesday- Lesser, Asain, Composite, and Chi Dragon Form

Wednesday- Westeren, Undead, Cosmic, and Inanimate Dragin Form

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