[●◇Chapter 12◇●] Let The Tournment Begin?!

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"Y/n Dragon Form."

(Y/n Cosmic)

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(Y/n Cosmic)

2 days Later

Y/n was in the V.I.P. area only for him and his Harem/Slave then Y/n looked at the sky then said "It time... Time for the tournment to begin." Then Y/n snap his Finger then Taimanin spawn in there side then the Demon and then the UFS was on there side and all of them was confuss then Y/n wing came out and glide down then said "Greatings All, Demon, Human and Cybrog welcome to World Tournment to deside you rule your Universe. You guys would fight in an one v one and the one that loss well be come a slave of mine and if not you move on and continue on Battling in the Tournment oh and don't worry none will die in here and if you surrender yiu become My Slave and I should introduce myself My name is Yn Cosmic an Dragon God chossing your Universe cause I was bored and want entertainment." And some human girl and Demon girls laugh until the Universe shake mad and Y/n smirk then Y/n wings grow bigger then his eyes change then Y/n roar echo the Universe and all heard Demon got scared and Human side was terrifed and Y/n was in his

" And some human girl and Demon girls laugh until the Universe shake mad and Y/n smirk then Y/n wings grow bigger then his eyes change then Y/n roar echo the Universe and all heard Demon got scared and Human side was terrifed and Y/n was in his

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(Primodial Dragon Form)

And then the Demon girls that said mega shit shut there mouth then Y/n said "Be thankful I don't destory your world right now and end all of this Universe." And all nod then Y/n transform back then said "Now lets begin the first fight Adlehied Vs Aina Winchester." And they both came down and Y/n then Float back up to the V.I.P. area then said "Let the Tournment Begin!" Then Aina got out her guns and fire at Adle and Adle dodge it and went to attack Aina then Aina keep shoting at Adle and some shots hit Adle but Adle keep moving then Adle got close and slash at Aina and Aine got hit and then Aine kick Adle away from her then they had an Cat fight and Y/n saw they had good skills but still need to train more then the girl standing was Adle then the Demons side cheer then Y/n came down and said "One point to the Demon Side! Zero for the Humans! And Aina you are now a my Slave." Then Y/n snap his finger and Aina disappeared then Y/n said "Now let's have a twister Ingrid Vs Amemiya." Then they walked down as Ingrid licked her lips at Y/n and Y/n glare at her and the air went colder then Zero degree but Ingrid didn't mind then Y/n said "Fight!" Then Amemiya got her Fire whip out and whips at Ingrid but Ingrid dodge it then she got hit and it burn her and Amemiya pulled Ingrid close to her and Ingrid summon her swird and they clash Blades and Ingrid got getting the upperground until Amemiya kicked Ingrid leg and Ingird fall to the ground then Ingrid air kick Amemiya then the both fall and
Y/n looked and saw both girls was ok the ground then Y/n whiscle and Tohru came down then looked at both girls and whisper in Y/n ear and then Y/n saw Amemiya was moving then got on her knees and breath hard then Y/n said "One point to The Himan Side! One point to the Demon Side! Imgrid you are now my Slave!" Then Y/n close his hand sthen Darkness wrap around Ingrid then she disappeared then Y/n said "Take a break and We well come back here tomorrow for the final Match for the first round." Then Tohru and Y/n disappeared as the Human side was now in there area and the Demon was in there area and Edwin tried to get one of Y/n girls unil his head was off his head and Y/n said "Ah that feels so good to do that finally." Then Y/n burn the real Edwin body then walked away

To his Privite room

Y/n has his new slave in the bed healed and they woke up and Y/n said "Listen I'm really doing this to change your world for the better the Demon, Orges, Humans, Cybrog even Gods has battled so much it grows tiring I want to make the world have peace." And they nod and understanding then Y/n said "But listen you two are going to be my Slave for real and now we have to wait for Tomorrow for the Final First match Tournment." And they nod and Y/n went into bed then felt bodys on him

And that is it for this Chapter and the next part is The Final First Round Match Well Begin Now! Until then Sounding Out

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