[●◇Chapter 11◇●] 3 days before the Tournment but Now I meet someone Interesting

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"Y/n Dragon Form."

(Y/n Cosmic)

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(Y/n Cosmic)

Y/n was watching his Clones making an Tournment Arena large enough to hold Devils, Demon and anything there would be an Fight againest Human and Demon cause Y/n was getting sick and tired if the Humans keep fightning the Demon they may want to live there lives but they keep killing them some does it for revange or just want to do it then Y/n looked at the Date and it was July 4th and Y/n had three days left to make this Arena then Y/n disappeared

To the Apertment

Y/n was relaxing on the couch until they heard an Knock then Y/n open his eyes then went to the Door then open it and saw an Dragon standing infromt of his Apertment and Y/n had an Blank face then shut the door shut and said "Nope, not today I am to tired for this!" And Y/n then relax back on the couch then feeled an Body and open his eyes and saw someone he never has met

Y/n was relaxing on the couch until they heard an Knock then Y/n open his eyes then went to the Door then open it and saw an Dragon standing infromt of his Apertment and Y/n had an Blank face then shut the door shut and said "Nope, not today I am ...

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(Meet Kanna Kamui)

Then Y/n said "Who are you?" And Kanna said "Your the lne who toke Tohru From me." And Y/n was confuss then said "Wha?" And Kanna punch Y/n but it didn't hurt Y/n but felt like baby hits then Y/n said "Okay tell first before you get even more mad?" And Kanna explain and then Y/n said "Okay so your kicked out of your home cause you did a little prank... Men why did I make dragon yet if people always change it." And Kanna eyes widen then said "Your a dragon." Then Y/n wing pop out and they were Cosmic wings

" Then Y/n wing pop out and they were Cosmic wings

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