you're sick

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- eventhough you begged him to go, eddie still skipped school and came over.

- he didn't come empty handed though, he had your favorite snacks and movies to help make you feel  better. 

- you don't want him near you incase he catches whatever you have, but he couldn't care less if he gets sick or not. 

- once you finally give in to him being there, you let him baby you and spoil you. 

- he sets up a movie to play on the tv in your bedroom, you both decided on The Breakfast Club.

- before he plays it, he has you go to the bathroom and have a nice shower so you can relax for the rest of the day. 

-once you get in the shower, he grabs some pjs for you and leaves them in your bathroom, then he walks back to your room and waits. 

- once you come out with a towel on your head and pjs on, he insists you let him brush your hair. 

-he lays at the head of your bed and you lay on you back into his chest/stomach. 

-after he brushes your hair, he starts the movie. 

- you don't even last 20 minutes before falling asleep, and he lets you sleep because he feels terrible that you've been out sick all week. 

-once you wake up, you find eddie with some lunch, soup and a grilled cheese. 

-eddie never reveals his secret,  but he did call nancy wheeler for some help on how to make it and what he needed to get while you were asleep. 

-you eat your food and then he comes back into your bed for cuddles. 

- you don't let him kiss you on the lips, but tons of neck, cheek, and FOREHEADDDD kisses.

- this boy adores kissing your forehead

- he claims it's to "feel your temperature", but we all know it's just because he LOVESSS forehead kisses. 

-after cuddling for a while you fall asleep again, and eddie takes this as his cue to leave as your mom comes home from work. 

- he leaves a note by your bed side saying he loves you and will be back again tomorrow, and to call if you needed anything. 

- in conclusion, eddie will come over everyday until every last sniffle is gone. 

-when you get back to school he's very protective for a bit, not wanting you to get sick again. 

- he ended up being the one who got sick ....




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