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- you and eddie have been friends for a few years from hellfire. 

- you had a little crush on former hawkins king, steve harrington, for as long as you can remember.

-it was never anything serious, he ws only a pretty face, plus your feelings for eddie could never compare to little crushes. 

-you and eddie had been the best of friends, both totally oblivious to the mutal feelings shared for one another. 

- so when your little brother dustin becomes friends with steve, you find yourself spending more time with king steve. 

-you guys become very close friends.

-flashforward to your senior year, and after a hellfire meeting steve comes to pick you and dustin up. 

-eddie offers you a ride home with him to hang out a little longer, but you are already asked out to go get icecream with steve after you guys take dustin home. 

-eddie gets a sudden pang of jealousy, even though he would never admit it. 

-the next day eddie gives you the cold shoulder and it makes the whole lunch table uncomfy. 

- "eddie, are you mad at me? listen im sorry about yesterday i-"

-"save it y/n, how was your date with the great steve harrington! was it all you ever dreamed of and more, since you have been obsessed with him since freshman year!"

-you are taken back by his sudden outburst and leave the table awkwardly. 

-if only he knew that the date with steve only made you realize how much you loved eddie. 


-dustin puts the pieces together...

-"eddie, dude! you totally have feelings for my sister! gross!"

-eddie starts to panic, did he really make it that obvious?

-he stammers with every word that comes out of his mouth next.

-"i-i-uh! nah man what are you talking about henderson?"

-dustin gives a deadpan expression.

-eddie sighs in defeat and looks to dustin as help on what to do next.

-"so since you definently don't like her, you totally WOULDN'T want to save her from another date with steve harrington tonight that she is dreading going on."

-eddie nods and books it out of the lunchroom to find you.


-you sit on the hood of your car contemplating whether to go back inside and work things out with eddie.

-you suddenly feel a presence sitting by you and a hand on your shoulder.

- you look to see eddie with the most serious, but apologetic expression on his face. 

- you both mumble little "heys" and sit in silence for a few moments.

-"listen, y/n, i don't know what got into me back there and i feel really bad because i care about you too much to be talking to you so harshly."

-your heart almost pangs out of your chest as you look to him with wide eyes eddie. freaking. munson. cares about. you. 

-" i guess what im trying to say is i love you and always have, and im sorry for-"

- he doesn't get to finish because you pull him by the sides of his face to plant his lips onto yours. 

-he is shocked at first but then responds by kissing you back.

-you both pull away after a couple seconds and you are both smiling from ear to ear. 

-"i love you too eds.. so much.. always have" repeating his words from before.

-"i guess you better cancel that date with king steve then right?"

-you smirk and joke, "oh munson! i knew you were jealous!"

- he smirks back at you, "yeah, yeah, whatever. the only one who's gonna be jealous is harrington when he finds out the freak stole his date for the night."

-"hey, take it easy on steve. he's not THAT bad once you get to know him!"

-"mhm" he replies sacastically. "bad or not bad you're still mine, right?"


- he smiles and takes your hand leading you back to the school. 


-love yaaaaaa


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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