Chapter 0/Prologue - WHAT?!

111 3 17

"Lol" - Dialogue
'Lol' - Thoughts
Lol - Important Detail
*Lol* - Action
Lol - Author/A/N or TimeSkip/Kingu Crimson
Lol - Fourth Wall Break

Disclaimer: The Main CHARActers' names aren't actually our names and are just user to not reveal our identity. They're some of our usernames actually lol-


Coderon: Yo, I'm Coderon, 1 of the main characters of this book. And this is my cousin, Legend.

Legend: Hey lmao-

Coderon: We're here just to tell ya this will have a LOT of swearing and memes, also it may be not following the story of BABTQFTIM since the Author remembers jack SHI-

Legend: So we apologise if He gets anything wrong or out of the story.


Coderon: Oh shi- RUN!!!

Legend yelling in the distance: I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS BOOK, BYE!!-

Author/Me with a frying pan: GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!!-


Chapter Start!

[14:30 PM, Coderon's Room, Coderon's POV]

I was chilling with my cousin through our phones until he said something that caught my attention.

Legend: "H-hey Code, w-what if we became 2 of the characters from BABTQFTIM?"

Coderon: "Dunno, but that would be interesting. However, i don't think it would be easy to live in a world were if you the Inkness, you literally die at any time."

Legend: "Yeah... Fair enough."

We kept talking about become the characters until suddendly, my eyes felt heavy.

Coderon: "H-hey, Legend? D-did you suddendly got so tired you think you're going to sleep for 5 weeks straight (No, 5 weeks gay lmao-)

Legend: "Y-yea, y-you too?.."

Coderon: "Yep.."

I tried to stay awake but eventually, i realise i was already sleeping.

[In Another Place...]

I wake up after sleeping what seemed hours, and i see i am not in my bedroom anymore, but in a completely different bedroom.

Coderon: 'W-what the...?'

I went to place my hand in my head but istead of seeing my own arm, i see a completely black one. Seeing this, i jump in shock and suprise, and i notice my other arm is the same. I then went to get up to see my feet are now black paws.

Coderon: 'A-am i a wolf of some sort?'

I look around the room to see a picture in the desk near a closet. I approach the desk and grab the picture, only to wide my eyes in disbelief.

[CANCELLED] If Me And My Cousin Reincarnated As Bendy & Boris From BABTQFTIMWhere stories live. Discover now