The whales

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Ceci est une chanson en anglais, mais je trouve pas d'air 🤷‍♀️. Bref, if you don't understand english, I'm sorry... Et désolée aussi pour les éventuelles fautes de grammaire/conjugaison/construction de phrase... En espérant que ça vous plaise 😇

Laying on the sand, on the coast,
The wind brings me a salted smell.
The foam spits back pieces of shell,
Sea-weeds, forgotten stories and their ghosts.

A shipwreck in a thunderstorm
A struggle against the current
But as soon as we have sunk
The world is suddenly silent

Then I just have to close my eyes
That's enough for me to fade, 'cause now

I'm swimming with the whales
Queens of the sea, soul of the waves
Singing in their language
All my thoughts are going away
They guide me under the surface
Eternal keepers of the peace
I'm swimming with the whales
But I'll have to float back to breathe.

My feet dangle above the emptyness
On the edge of a cliff, I imagine
Freedom felt when you fall, adrenaline
Like if we're finally flying, I guess

The swell beaches on the rocks
Rolls over itself, start again
Depite itself, dwells on the pain
From which it freed many people

The fog seems to wanna catch me
Like a spirit, like gravity

I'm swimming with the whales
Queens of the sea, soul of the waves
Singing in their language
All my thoughts are going away
They guide me under the surface
Eternal keepers of the peace
I'm swimming with the whales
I don't wanna float back to breathe.

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