False love

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I was beating my wings with my brother flying over me. I was too weak to fly so I grabbed onto his tail hoping he would pull me up so I can practice from a distance in the sky.
"Flamice! Let go! You're too fat!" My brother yelled as he tried to beat his wings harder.
"Meltingflame be nice to your sister! Besides you were the one who was too big and nearly crushed her in the egg." My father scolded him. He always hated when even the slightest mean remark was made towards me and I always loved him for it. He looked at me and nodded.
I chuckled as I let go and watched Meltingflame launched himself into the air and crashed against a tree. I hid behind my father because I didn't want Meltingflame to attack me. That's exactly what he tried to do. As soon as he was in his feet he ran after me to try and bite one of my wings but I kept looping around my father. He almost caught me when my father put his wing between us and looked at my brother.
"Consider that punishment for calling your sister fat." My father said before picking me up and placing me on his back. I stuck my blue tongue out at Meltingflame. I grinned as I was carried away.
"Help!" We heard a female voice cry. My father took to the air and flew over to see what seemed to be a tidal wave trying to kill a poor little SeaWing. I didn't hesitate and I jumped off of his back then the water took me in as well.
"Flamice! You're too young to swim!" My father shouted as he tried to catch me. He was too slow.
I was beating against the current. I couldn't see too much since there was so much salt water just pushing into my eyes with serious strength. I didn't care. Something inside me was telling me to save her. I saw mud smacking over her gills causing her to drown of suffocate since she couldn't breathe. I wrapped my talon around hers, I pulled her and beat against the strong current. I kept pulling her until my head was finally over water. I gasped hard and I finally felt air enter my lungs. I felt the sand under my talons and I pulled the SeaWing onto land. I looked up at my father and my brother was grinning. I knew I was in for the biggest scolding of my little dragonet life. I gulped. I felt myself get thrown into the sand.
"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you! Thank you!" The SeaWing squealed as she was on top of me just continuing to hug me. She was holding me tight. I gently hugged her back but I could still feel my father's eyes on me. "You and your family should come to the summer palace! We will have a feast as a thank you!" She squeaked.
I slowly got up and pushed her off of me lightly. I looked at my father since he had a serious face. "S-Sorry." I quietly said as I looked to the sand under my talons. I didn't want him to scold me but I knew it was what I deserved for disobeying him without even thinking about it.
I heard him sigh and his talon gently patted my head. "Next time just let me take care of it. I almost jumped in there to get you but I saw your head pop up and I knew you were going to be safe. My special little princess." He told me before lightly kissing my head. I smiled at him and looked over at the SeaWing I saved. I walked over to her.
"My name's Flamice. What's yours?" I asked her as I tilted my head.
"My name is Princess Sapphire! But you may call me Sapphire since you saved me." She smiled at me.
I was wondering, why did she introduce herself as 'Princess Sapphire'? I mean she was obviously a princess but should I have introduced myself as 'Princess Flamice'? I didn't know then I saw her staring at my family.
"Oh! This is my brother, Prince Meltingflame, and my father, King Blizzard." I introduced them as I used my wing to point at them.
"A prince and king? Are you all apart of the Ice Kingdom?" She asked which caused my brother to laugh. I quickly smacked him in the wing with my own.  I didn't want him being rude since I did find her cute and attractive.
"N-No actually. From the Sky Kingdom. My father is king of the SkyWings, my mother is Queen Thunder, his mate. My brother and I are apart of the sky Kingdom and have been our whole lives." I told her with a small blush coming across my face. I felt my brother shove last me as he began to flex himself and his role.
"Yep! I am a prince! A big strong one as well. I wouldn't mind taking you to dinner at any time." He grinned and I saw the Princess Sapphire blush. I felt a little angry but I didn't do anything about it. I nodded and we began to fly our way back to the sky Kingdom to make dinner reservations with the SeaWings.
After a long long flight we finally made it back. We told my mother everything and she said she was proud of me for saving another princess but a little mad for me doing something that stupid without thinking twice and just jumping into something like that. I didn't care too much since I did what I felt like was right. This caused an argument between my mother and father so Meltingflame and I just flew ahead of them. Meltingflame was stronger then me and bigger then me. We were always very close and Meltingflame already made his mark. When we were younger three SeaWings picked fun at us, well me. And hurt me very badly. Meltingflame protected me by commanding a sand monster to come out of the sand and attack the leader one. He build up a reputation with the SeaWings and only did it to protect me. I will always worship him for that but I was a little surprised that the SeaWing princess didn't seem to recognize him. I didn't bother to look too deep in it.
We landed and walked in. The twisted walls, the scratchy pillers. I remember reading about this in scrolls. The first summer palace got destroyed during the SandWing war succession. Then it was rebuilt by one SeaWing with her own claws. After the no Animus spell wore off it was enchanted to never break again. I never understood why Animus magic was taken away in the first place but I knew it was allowed for a reason. I was just happy it wore off. We looked at the happy looking family of SeaWings then my heart dropped. Standing beside Sapphire.. Were the three SeaWings that hurt me all those years ago.
"Well let's have dinner!" The SeaWing Queen shouted as she got her guards to escort us to the table. We waited until my parents finally arrived and I sat beside my father. My brother sat next to Sapphire. I was so jealous as he just kept flirting with her. "Looks like we have a couple of love birds!" The queen said.
My mother giggled. "My son and your daughter? Looks like we're going to have an excellent alliance!" She said before seeing how uncomfortable it made me.
"Or things could end a little badly and maybe something could happen but I still agree on an alliance." My father quickly piped up before my mother could say anything more.
I looked at Meltingflame and Sapphire. I always felt a spark whenever my parents were in the same room. I could just sense it. It was their love. I couldn't sense it between Sapphire and my brother. I knew this love wasn't real, it would always stick to flirting. It was unlike my parents, even though my parents did fight and bicker they would always get over it, it was more rare then seeing a blue moon when they would fight. What would remain between Meltingflame and Sapphire would always remain false love.

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