Falling of the family (Slight smut? ¡Dark!)

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I am pregnant. I am pregnant with Snake's baby. It wasn't originally planned but my mother kept suggesting me and Snake go to the breeding program so after a long long time we finally obeyed. No one told me it could hurt so much since Snake was so huge. I was swollen from my area so it hurts when I sit. I've been dealing with this pain for a while, I was laying in my bed with Snake trying to tend to my pain. We heard a knock on our door so Snake answered it and it was my father. He had a smile on his face.
"Flamice! My adorable Princess! Let's go to the caves. When your mother was pregnant being around all those gemstones made her feel better." My father said patting Snake on the back. "Your going to be a great father. If you need help don't be afraid to ask me. I had to raise two royals so I wouldn't mind helping you." He smiled at Snake.
Snake gave an uncomfortable smile and looked at me. "Do you want to go?" He asked me tilting his head.
I looked at my fattened belly and gently rubbed it. "Yeah, it would be better for our egg, the more I move, the more fit I am, the healthier I am, the more healthier our egg will be, also I think it'll be good for me because whenever I move I feel more better when I move." I told him as I pushed myself up. My back was in pain but I ignored it and got up.
"Come on sister! You're taking too long! Hurry up those fat feet of yours!" My brother ran by, he was going up and down the hallway, my father took a step forward and Meltingflame crashed right into him, I found it hilarious.
"Meltingflame, your sister isn't fat and neither are her feet, she's swollen and has a baby bump, be nice." My father scolded.
I lightly sighed and just moved past. I waited until my father led the way and we finally made it down to the caves. I gently rubbed my belly as I stood beside him. I looked up at him.
"You didn't have to come. You can go back to your room and rest." He told me. I giggled and shook my head.
"I want to be here father, I want to find a Sapphire and emerald and-!" I was going on until my brother grabbed my snout and held it shut.
"Are we gonna jabber or are we going to find gems?" He said with a grin coming across his face. He let go of my about and ran off. I giggled and ran off in the opposite direction, leaving our father alone. We ran down the hall.
Hours later my brother and I finally met up in front of the entrance cave. We compared gems and I had the more great picks. We looked around then back at each other and frowned. "Where did father go?" Meltingflame asked. I shrugged. "Should we look for him?" He asked me.
"Well yeah, we should've all stuck together! You ran off too fast! We need to find him!" I said as we both ran off together. We soon found ourselves in the royal hall right outside the throne room. "Father!" I called.
"Father! Where are you?" Meltingflame called as he looked around. "Father come out!"
We heard some muffles coming from inside the throne room. We put our ears up to the door and it sounded like arguing. We stared at each other before putting our talons on the door and pushed them. I felt my eyes fill with tears, our father was yelling at our mother.
"You were always a terrible mother to Flamice! You were a horrible partner to me! I never touched you because you were a queen! But now with this, now with him! I'm not afraid to punish you anymore!" Our father shouted before lifting his talon, he swung his talon down and his claws sunk into my mother's throat and ripped everything out. The last look of fear and horror on my mother's face was the last thing we saw before she collapsed on the ground lifeless. I was full of fear at this sight. I looked at my brother who was crying then his face became angry.
"Meltingflame.. No.." I whispered to him. It was too late. At full speed he charged at our father and jumped to try to attack him. He wasn't fast enough because my father took one step to the left and grabbed his throat. Meltingflame kicked, growled, scratched and bit him as much as he could. I felt myself crying even more.
"And you." My father growled as he cut Meltingflame's shoulder, immobilizing one of his arms. He lifted Meltingflame higher and did the same thing to both of his legs. Meltingflame screamed, whimpered, cried and begged. My father ignored him. "You were a horrible son! Always bullying you sister! You were a horrible prince as well! You never knew how to show gratitude, respect, love or appreciation! I was always worried about what would happen! But now it's time for your punishment!" My father yelled before cutting Meltingflame's other arm and bringing him close to his face. He grabbed both of Meltingflame's horns.
"Father please." Meltingflame begged as he gave one final whimper before a loud CRACK came from his neck. I felt my heart beating hard as I was still crying, as my father turned to me.
"My little princess." He smiled at me and he slowly walked to me. His eyes were black with red pupils.
"No please!" I begged as I curled into a ball and covered my head. "I don't want to die! I'm sorry father! Please don't hurt me!" I begged as I whimpered. I felt a talon on my shoulder and I looked up at him.
"I would never hurt you Flamice. I love you too much. I got rid of the ones hurting us. We can be happy together! We can be happy forever! Just me and my little princess. As well as your prince as long as he doesn't hurt you. We can be a happy family forever." He told me. I gulped as I quickly ran away from him. I ran away from him. My heart was beating very hard. I felt something in my breaking.
It is my time. Let me handle this. Princess. Something in me said. I felt like my body wasn't my own anymore. I grabbed the closest spear and turned around. I ran back and growled. I stared at him as my eyes filled with red. I felt my wings beat against the small breeze. I couldn't see anything. I felt my body jolt as I hit something and I fell down. I rubbed my eyes and opened my eyes. I could finally see. And did I regret it. I saw my father on the ground with blood leading out of his mouth. I covered my mouth and began to cry. "Help me! Someone please help me! Father went insane! Everyone is dead!" I cried loudly. The guards ran in and once they saw the room they threw up. I covered my eyes and kept crying. I felt warm arms wrapped around me. I looked at the one hugging me. It was Snake, I hugged him back crying onto his shoulder.
"It's okay my love. It's okay. I'm here for you. Let it all out." He whispered in my ear. "Clean up this mess. Tell all the SkyWings the Queen is dead. The Princess will be taking the crown in a few months." He told the guards.
I felt very depressed as I kept crying on his shoulder. I couldn't believe anything I was hearing.. I was going to be Queen.. I am still a dragonet.. I can't believe.. This..

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