A love-ly trial

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I was having my wing bandaged up in the healers room while Snake was having his burns looked at. I didn't realize when he was running he stepped on lots of ash, fire and worse. He seemed fine though. Strong enough to survive. The healers left us alone, we sat there in awkward silence until he finally spoke.
"So uh.. Thanks for not letting your folks kill me." He said seeming nervous. I liked that.
"It's not a problem at all. After all why would they kill a lowly SandWing?" I teased him then smiled. He looked uncomfortable and my smile quickly faded. "What's wrong?" I asked him.
"I.. I did lie to you. I'm not a lowly SandWing. I'm Prince Snake, of the SandWings, Son of-" He tried to say but I cut him off.
"Queen Cateye and King Oryx.." I spoke softly. He chuckled, which caused me to blush.
"Yes. In fact, how did you know that?" He asked me tilting his head.
"I read about them in scrolls, they never mentioned once having a son." I told him, remembering almost every scroll I studied. I loved studying, it made me a scroll-worm but I didn't care one bit.
"They're ashamed of me. They threw me out as soon as I turned two. So in order to survive, buy medicines and such, I've been killing other dragons for a profit." He looked around to make sure no one was around to hear. "You were my next target."
"Obviously." I said with a small eye roll.
Snake lightly huffed. "Yeah, obviously. But your fighting style. It's just really fascinating, I thought I've seen it all, but I've never seen such a beautiful dragon use her entire body as a weapon. Only claws and teeth." He lightly flirted as he stuck his tongue out.
I lightly chuckled as a blush came across my cheeks. "Well I know how to use everything to my advantage, including my own body."
"I certainly did see and feel that. I've also never seen a SkyWing blush with such blue before." He told me as he tilted his head slightly.
I sighed. "Well I am half IceWing, I have blue blood but my more, outer genetics were SkyWing like. The same with my brother, he looks like an IceWing on the outside but on the inside there's plenty of SkyWing blood. His body is a little weird though, sometimes there will be blue blood instead of red. We don't know what's up with that." I told him as I scratched my neck.
"Still, you're very beautiful. I won't kill you then." He grinned at me. That grin of his, I just loved it.
"So you were planning on killing my daughter." My mother walked out from behind the corner.
"Mother?! We're you eavesdropping on our conversation!?" I asked a bit shocked. She would never do anything like this before.
"Yes and it's a good thing I did. Knowing this SandWing wanted to kill you. He'll be put on trial for this." My mother growled at him.
"But father said-!" I began but she cut me off at almost an instant.
"I wouldn't give up two rat tails over what your father said! He will be trialed now!" She demanded.
I looked at Snake then back to my mother. I didn't want this to happen but then an idea came to my mind. "I want to be Snake's defendant." I told her.
"What!?" She hissed.
"You heard me." I told her.
"You can't do that! You're injured!" She growled.
"SkyWing scrolls say 'For every trial someone may have a defendant and a prosecutor. No matter the age, tribe, or anything.' You aren't the ones for breaking the rules now, aren't you, Mother?" I told her then winked at Snake.
My mother growled and placed in circles. "No." She spoke then sighed. "Fine! You'll be Snake's defendant. Now let's go." She hissed as she left.
Snake and I slowly stood up as we left. We walked into a room where there was about over half the kingdom alone sitting in rows and rows of seats. I wondered how my mother got all this planned so quickly but decided not to ask questions.
"What a lovely trial." Snake teased me. I felt myself blush and chuckle. "Or should I say, Love-ly trial?" He chuckled.
"Say whatever you want, just be smart about it." I told him.
"Snake of the SandWings! You are being trialed for the attempted murder of Flamice! Let us begin!" My brother's voice boomed. "The one defending you, Princess Flamice. The one trying you, Queen Thunder! Flamice! How will you defend?"
"Not guilty." I told me brother, I heard most SkyWings gasp. I rolled my eyes. "And here is why! Snake was assigned to kill me! But he decided against it! He defied orders in order to keep me alive! Including saving my life!" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.
There was lots of murmurs among the SkyWings but they soon hushed as my mother spoke.
"He was assigned to kill you and tried to follow through. There was a reason why he stopped and-" My mother tried to say but I quickly cut her off.
"Snake! What was that reason you had for not killing me?" I asked him.
"Well, after you totally kicked my tail, I decided to try again. However, there was just something telling me not to kill you. Something instead telling me to ignore orders and save you. So I did. Just doing what my heart tells me to do." Snake placed his talon over his heart.
My mother opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She closed it. Opened it again. Closed it again. She did it about another seven times before my father flew from the crowd and stood beside her.
"Any objections or shall we release this SandWing? For releasing, say sky!" My father shouted.
One by one all SkyWings around shouted "sky!" And just like that. My new love was saved.

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