Women are amazing

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You are not your body
Please don't care what insecure and negative men and people say yeah think
You are meant for your own powerful greatness
Looks aren't everything
It's your sweet heart and intelligent mind
That matters

Equality is what the queens should see
Not to be scrutinized for nothing
Let's bring in more diversity
More meaningful actions
Because women are amazing

You call them fat
I say they're beautifully themselves
You call them not hot enough
I say they're deserving for someone to see them for who they want/see themselves to truly be
If your a real man and person
You wouldn't treat these great astonishing ones as you wouldn't want to be treated

Equality is what the queens should see
Not to be scrutinized for nothing
Let's bring in more diversity
More meaningful actions
Because women are amazing

They're the ones who carry, love, guide, protect  and bare children
Try each and everyday to not cry and shy down because they feel they don't fit in
When in actuality they're positively influential and monumental
Change should come
If it doesn't soon
It'll be in vein
For all the women who shed blood, sweat, lively changes and tears for nothing
All women are way tremendously more than cooking, cleaning, quiet listening and having children yeah
Heard voices, big action shown choices and living their life for them naturally
Or what they decide for them
And not others especially men
Should be what it is

Equality is what the queens should see
Not to be scrutinized for nothing
Let's bring in more diversity
More meaningful actions
Because women are amazing

Yes I'm gay
Yes I grew up around mostly and majority of women
Hell I probably was a woman in my past life
But literally women are the best
Because they're human just like everyone else
And can do so much to help create life, light, love, blessings and purpose for oneself in this society in this world
That men and people are afraid to see women win
We all should win
If you disagree then oh well
Let's go women‼️

So amazing
Women your amazing

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