Chapter 2

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Mine, the word echoed through my fuzzy state of mind. I quickly snap out of it, but I realize it is to late for that. I struggled trying to get of his warm,nice,comforting. WAIT! What was wrong with me today. I shake my head still struggling to get out. As I continue my struggle I notice that I felt this kind of calmness coming straight from his touch over my body.
"Patty!Please help please!"I scream at the top of my lungs. I look around seeing every one bowing their heads. I couldn't help the hopeless feeling that consumed me like a tidal wave. Why are they not helping me? I felt like I couldn't breathe all again my senses were shutting down. I was having a panic attack. I felt something shaking me a little. Then the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I felt my emotions rush me like a stampede. I jerked away and finally looked up at him,but this was with anger. How could he that was my first kiss! My anger reared it's head, I could feel my rage boiling.
"How dare you do that you,you freak!" I say almost in tears. See I don't get angry easily or cry much,but how could some stranger come and take that away from me.
"You are mine I may do as I please now what's your name spitfire?" He said like it was the most casual thing in the world. I straightened to my full height and glared at him dead on. He then started growling even louder that before, his eyes turning a vicious black.
"How dared lay a harmful finger or a finger period on my mate," he commanded staring intensely at each one before some one spoke up.
"Her father and two brothers sir," Patty replied hesitantly.
"Patty!"I gasp out as I know betrayal filled my gaze. She promised not to tell anyone with out making sure it was ok with me first. This was defiantly not on the list of people ok to tell.
"I'm sorry mate, but they will never harm you again. Come let's go to our home," He said tenderness and sympathy filling his metal gaze.
"No never, get away from me!" I yell loudly at him. I elbow him on the jewels. Well it was by accident I meant for it to be the stomach I'm just that short on him... Well whatever works I guess right? He loosens his metal grip on me and pull away and quickly run out of the store.
"Come back here spitfire YOU ARE MINE, when I find you you will not like it!" He warned with a threat in his voice. I pushed myself even harder to go faster and further. I could feel my breaths coming out in uneven paths and my lungs burning. I grimaced as my side split open. Damn why did they have to cut me there of all times. I soon navigated a maze through the ally ways. The only good thing about my brothers and fathers is they helped me learn every nook and nanny in this entire town. I went to one of the same alleyways I was in before and hid. Sure enough HIM and his friends showed up behind me confused. I couldn't help but smile at the cute confused look in his face...STOP!! God what is wrong with me I usually don't even come close to thinking like this.I was snapped quiet rudely I might at back to reality when he spoke this time with a smirk in his voice.
"I know your here spitfire I can hear you," He said tauntingly,while turning in slow circles. He then looked exactly where I was hiding behind some old wooden crates stacked up on a wall of a old resteruant. I quickly slipped past the corner of the building and ran to a friends house. Thank god it was only a short few blocks away or I would have been caught. Man they were fast, like inhuman fast. I knocked on her door and looked around feeling antsy. Soon the door opened and there stood not only one but two more of my friends. I grinned weakly at their angry faces.
"Please let me in I need help," I pleaded.
"What made you think we won't let you in," Jasmine, my hazel eyed blond heir friend spoke,rolling her eyes.
"What happened to you, I've never seen you this scared in my life," My black haired brown eyed friend," Kat said narrowing her eyes at me.
"Are you ok," Mary, my red purplish grey eyes friend asks at the end.
"No I'm not and for once it's not because of family," I stated wide eyes.
"Well come in and tell us," Jasmine said firmly holding the door open wider for me. I quickly dash in thankful for the warmth of her house. We made our selves comfortable and I told them everything that had happened today. By the end they were all wide eyed and of course it was Mary who broke the silence that spread over us like a blanket.
"Ohh somebody has a stalker," She sang off pitch to some random tune. We all looked at her for a second and burst out laughing. The next thing that happened though was not funny it was terrifying. The door I blasted in shattering to pieces as it sailed through the air. We all scrambled back and tipped over the couch with is on it. I know, I know smooth move Sherlock. Then 4 furious very manly heads popped over the couch we just fell off of and growled that annoying word.
"MINE," Well it looks like I'm not the only one with a stalker.Hah suck it they get to feel the pain too.what I did next was not mature but I couldn't help it.
"Hah Mary look you have a creepy stalker to soooo you can suck it!" I state with a smirky smile on my face.

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