Chapter 3

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As soon as that remark was out of my mouth I felt my world spin. I ole out a grunt when I was tossed over a muscular shoulder.
"Hay put me down I have two legs that work perfectly well, you know!" I exclaimed loudly eyes wide. He just grunts in response, and keeps walking me bouncing on his shoulder. I walk my hands up his back enough to see my struggling friends in the same position as me.
"What the hell is going on here! Did my bitch of a daughter sell her whore ass to you too?" I heard a deep scratchy voice shout louder than necessary. I felt my self stiffen and cringe. I heard the collective gasps of anger from my friends. They renewed their struggles, but this time not to run away. Nope this time they were going to beat my dad up.they didn't have a chance for a snarky response. Nope, well not before I was set down and pushed into one of the men's from the cafés arms. I looked up startled,my legs shaking from the sudden shift. I closely inspected what he looked like up close. He had wavy brown hair down to the middle of his ears, eyes so green it felt like looking into a lush forest. He was tall and broad, but was an inch shorter than the man who grabbed my friends and I. When I felt his skin against mine I hissed at the burn was feeling. He looked at me with an apology in his eyes. He gave a sheepish shrug and let go of me. I thought about making a break for it and getting the authorities. As I was about to take off I felt a hand on my arm. He gave me a look as if to say I will catch you and there will be worse consequences. I look pleading at him. He gave me a stern look and looked up. As I finally look up I see my brothers and father on the ground bloody with the man over them covers in their blood. Little splatters here and there, but huge splats in other places. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped me then. His silver eyes shot to mine like a bullet. They pierced me straight through, and then looked at the hand at my arm. He glared at it and let loose a feral growl that shook the walls. Every one stopped frozen as if turned into a statue. The brunette let go of my arm quickly and backed away arms up. In a flash he was upon me gripping me close and sniffing me. I struggled in that stone grip of his until I couldn't breath from how tight his arms were around me. I stayed perfectly still and waited silently. Eventually he let me go and commanded us all to go. We stepped over my father and brothers brothers body.
"What do you want with me?" I ask so quietly breaking the blanket of silence that was spread over us. We were in a car and driving to god knows where. I had sat and looked at the passing by lights and houses, wondering what it would be like to be someone else.
"Our home spitfire, I never learned your name so let's hear it," he said with a calming and soothing voice that calmed my frayed nerves.
"It's Serenity, what's yours?" I ask still whispering into the silence.
"Malcolm," he replies while still fixing that intense state on me.
"Well Malcolm," I say in a sickly sweet voice,"where are my friends and who took them!" I scream angrily at him. I know this seems sudden, but my friends are all I've ever had In my screwed up life. So if I'd don't know where they are I tend to get a bit... Angry. I look up in time to see his eyebrows shoot up and disbelief grow in his eyes. Although that was soon followed by anger then lust.
"With their mates," he answers. With that dingily-dangly calm voice of his. I rolled my eyes and glared harshly at him. All of the sudden he starts laughing. Well not just him every one did. I mean EVERYONE laughed. I suddenly realized I had said that out loud. You see I'm a very blunt person and I just usually just say what's on my mind. So in other words I have no mouth filter... Again at all.
"Dingily-dangly?", he asks with a smirk and smile on his face,"Why don't you just cuss your what 18?" He asks with a tilt of his fabulous head. Gahhh stop thinking like that! I shout in my head.
"Because I don't want to be like him in anyway you, apple pie!" I shout furiously at him. The rage simmering throughout my entire body. Shaking with anger I glare up at his shocked face.
"Well he is dead now there is no need to worry about that," he said in an ALMOST apologetic voice.
"Why don't you just let me go?"I state turning toward him again with a scowl on my face.
"NEVER WILL I LET YOU GO, YOU WILL BE WITH ME FOREVER!" He growled out gnashing his elongated teeth, as his eyes turn soulless black. I meet his stare head on and whisper one word before doing something insane. I mean I know it's insane, but it's a kinda in the moment adrenaline rush thing you know?
"Never," I stare at him unflinching and open the door. When I did I felt the breeze on my skin, the smell do woods around me. Everything seemed to slow down do to frames. I jumped out and angled for what looked like soft grass. I took a breathe and jumped. I felt the impact jar me and I felt the grass tickling my skin as I landed on the ground. I rolled to slow down the fall and ran.

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