Chapter 5

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Sorry i've been gone for sooo long! my laptop got  virus -.- but i'm back!

Emm POV-

A bright light came and blinded me; I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the light to dim. I heard the movement of some blinds and found I was able to open my eyes with out the sun blinding me.

My Rosie was standing by the window, looking at me and smiling, her long, wavy, blonde hair was placed neatly over one shoulder; her golden eyes were looking in to mine, and her soft lips were in a beautiful smile.

“Good morning Emmy!” my angel said with love in her voice.

I sat up while rubbing my eyes with my right hand and yawning. I felt stronger today; like that sleep had given me back some of my full vampire strength. I was picked up by Rosie and was taken down stairs to meet the others.

Edward was sat with Bella at the piano while he played a melody that he had composed, Esme was no where to be seen, Carlisle was at work; at the hospital, and I think Alice and Jasper had gone hunting together. I was set down on the sofa and given a teddy.

“I’ll just go get your food” Rosie has said as she exited the living room.

I looked at the teddy, it was brown and fluffy and was nice to hug, it had two big, black, rock solid, eyes, a fuzzy, darker brown nose, and a mouth that had been sewn on to the bear’s fur. I sat and hugged the bear, it was so nice to cuddle…nice and warm. Rosie then came in with a bottle containing some blood, venom started to flood my mouth and I dribbled slightly, that was embarrassing.  Rose had taken a bib of mine and wiped the drool off my chin and gave me the bottle, I instantly put the bottle in my mouth and started sucking greedily, the blood tasted amazing as it cooled the burn in my throat. Only after I drained the bottle, I realised now would be the time the pain would come. But it didn’t, I was perfectly fine. Maybe last time was just a one off, good because I did not like-OWW! -  I spoke too soon…

The pain soon became unbearable, it felt like someone was pulling and stretching my limbs, at any second I swear my bones would be pulled out of their sockets and my skin would be torn to shreds. My muscles ached and felt like I was human and had just done an extreme work out. I felt soft arms wrap around me and rock me gently and a sweet voice could be heard; telling me soothing things.

Soon the pain had escaped my body and I felt normal again, but something was different. I was able to see more of my legs and I could reach things further away, I had grown! Maybe I’d be back to my normal self sooner than I had thought.

I was still in rose’s arms, I felt nice there; in the arms of the one I loved.

It was a cold, cloudy day out with a slight fog covering the outside world; I guess the sun from this morning had gone away. It was a great day for vamps to go out; maybe we could go to the park? Or play baseball! But I’m a baby… I can’t play baseball; I can’t even hold the bat! Darn…

Well, the park was still an option!


That would get his attention!

“Rosalie, a rude person in your life who likes to shout their thoughts wants to go to the park…” Edward had said after the piano had stopped, in a slightly annoyed voice.

Rosalie looked at me and started to silently laugh, I could always make her laugh.

“So, does my Emmy want to go to the park?” Rosalie had asked me.

I nodded and she picked me up and took me to the bedroom so she could change me out of my PJ’s.

After I was dressed and ready she took me to the pram and placed me in it. It was so comfy! Like a mobile bed…Wow.

The front door of the house was open and fresh air rolled in to my nostrils, it smelt of trees and wet wood, such wonderful smells. I was pushed around in the pram until we reached a park with swings, slides, a see-saw, a climbing frame and monkey bars!

I was taken out of the pram and was carried over to the baby swings, since it was a gloomy day there was no one at the park. She set me down in to the baby swing; she made sure I was comfy and started pushing me gently. I held on to the little bar in front of me with my tiny hands and felt the cool wind blow through my short hair. It was so fun even though I was only going back and forth and back and forth. I started giggling and smiling at the fun feeling and Rosalie joined in with laughing with me.

After I was done on the swing we went over to the slide. Rose lifts me to the top of the slide and held me at the sides, then she slowly let me go down the slide, it was so cool! It felt like a swing, but it wasn’t repetitive, you just went down it! It was so cool! I wanna do it again!!!

Rose let me go down the slide 7 more times and then I started to get bored, and that’s when I saw it, a big, red rocket ship, I wanted to sit on that rocket! I pointed to it and Rosie took me over there, as I got closer it got even more amazing! It had a red point at the front and you could sit on it! It was like a little bench on the inside with red bars around it so you didn’t fall off. I sat down, placing each of my legs on either side of the bench and held on to the red bar in front of me. Rosie held on to one of the bars and started moving it back and forth, and it moved! The rocket moved! It was so fun, it went and slid back and forth and I imagined I was in space and going to the moon!

Rosie and I spent a further hour in the park and once it got dark we decided to head back to the house to see the others.

When we had arrived at the house, Rosalie took me out of the pram and sat on the sofa with me. Alice and Jasper had returned from their hunt and Jasper was playing chess with Edward while Alice and Bella watched from the side lines. They were such nerds…Carlisle was sat with Esme on the sofa next to Rosalie and I and were talking to each other about what they had done today. Apparently Esme was ordering new furniture for the house since the furniture now didn’t quite suit her taste anymore and Carlisle had looked at a patients broken leg, stitched up someone’s head wound, and checked up on a few of the elderly patients. Their day wasn’t nearly as fun as my day at the park!

For the rest of the night we sat and watched TV and talked about various different subjects as a family and then split up, Carlisle went to his study to do some work, Esme went to go look at some more furniture, Alice and Jasper went to the garden to talk, and Edward and Bella went back to their little cottage.

The long day had eventually caught up with me and I let out a yawn, Rosalie picked me up and took me to the bedroom, I was put in to some new PJ’s, they were black and had green dinosaurs on them! I rested my head on the soft, cloud like, pillow as I was tucked in by Rosie.

“Hope you had a good day today Emmy, sleep well”

 She smiled then leaned down and kissed my cheek. I put my little fingers on her cheek, smiled and then laid my arm next to me and closed my eyes and faced the darkness of night and sleep.

 sorry this kinda dragged on, don't worry it gets more exciting in the next chapter! Vote, comment, become a fan, get a pet dinosaur n.n

My One Year Old Baby Husband, EmmettWhere stories live. Discover now