My One Year Old,baby Husband,Emmett

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This Is my First ever story !...So sorry if it sucks! I've had about 10 lollipops in the last hour and this idea just popped in to my head !...So enjoy ! Also some characters may be OOC ! Sorry if they are ! also Bella is a vamp but there is no Renesmee ! Sorry!


Em POV -

Saturday afternoon.Shopping with Rosalie. And im bored out of my mind!

Unfortunately this morning i was dragged to the mall by my lovely wife, Rosalie. I Love her so much and would do anything for her but shopping was just too much.She drags me around to numerous shops, which i swear sell things that look exactly the same as the ones in other shops, looks at some things, trys it on...then doesnt even buy it! So then we go to another shop and go through to same process again and again until she eventually buys something! and when she does buy something, she makes me carry the bags!

We were walking to go to yet another Clothing shop when i felt like me and Rosalie were being watched. I know that guys look at Rosalie all the time( which really Annoys me ! ) and watch her, and i knew girls usually looked at me ( Which usually annoys Rose ! ) but this time it felt different. Like someone was watching our every move, like they were observing us. I decided to ignore the feeling because if i told Rose about it she'd think that i was making up excuses so we could go home and then she would shop for longer, just to punish me!

We shopped for a further 2 hours and then decided to go back home. Once home, Rose went upstairs with Bella and Alice to show them what she had bought, Edward and Jasper were playing Chess ( They Are Such Nerds !), Esme was cleaning and Carlisle was at work. Since i had nothing else to do i decided to watch football.


I had bought the most amazing boots today! So when we got home i just had to show Bella and make them jealous ! I showed them all the things i had bought ( except the underwear that only my Emmett would see *wink wink *! ), and then we started to talk. We talked about shoes and clothes and how Justin Beiber has terrible hair that looks like its been stuck to his head ! And then we got on to a serious subject, that was close to my cold,unbeating heart.

"I've always wanted kids....I'd especially love a little boy" I Confessed to the girls.

They Nodded, they knew vampires couldn't have children and that was made me upset the most about this vampire life. Alice and Bella didnt really care much for kids, they were happy with how life was. Me and Esme were the only ones who really wanted kids. But Esme thought of us as her own, so she was happy. Suddenly Alice started to have a vision and pulled me out of my thoughts.Me and Bella waited to see what Alice had seen. A few moments later Alice looked at us with a confused face.

"I Just had the weirdest vision..." She told us.

" What was it about?" Bella had asked.

" It was Emmett but.....he was a baby!". We both looked at her like she was crazy.

Em POV -

The football game had finished and unfortunatly my team had lost.

A little while later the girls had come downstairs and they looked confused for some reason.

" Guys, Alice just had a vision....and its pretty weird..." Bella had Announced.

" Well what was it about?" Jasper has asked Alice after he ran to her side and protectivly put an arm around her.

" Well..." Alice had Began. "It was Emmett, but he was a baby...." All of a sudden everyone in the room was looking at me.

---A While Later---

We had called Carlisle and told him about Alice's vision and he said that he would be home as soon as he could. He had just arrived home in his Black Mercedes and ran in to the house. We told him about Alice's vision and even Carlisle was confused about what he had just heard.

" Are you sure it was Emmett you saw as a baby?"Carlisle had asked Alice with a slightly confused tone to his voice.

"Positive, he had black curly hair, brown eyes and just looked exactly like him" Alice had answered.

After that no one spoke a word as we were all deep in thought about Alice's vision and wondering what on earth it could have ment. I decided to go for a walk because every one was just staring at me with a confused look on their face.

I went walking in the dark forest. As i was walking through the E'ery Silence with only my thoughts to keep me company i saw an old women standing with her back to me.That was odd, there was an old woman, in the middle of the woods, at night. Maybe she was lost. Suddenly the woman turned and saw me, she walked a bit closer to me and then started to mumble something that was incomprehensible. I was confused at why she was mumbling but i decided to ignore it. Just as i was about to ask her if she was lost and needed some directions to get back home, she looked at me and suddenly an invisible great force hit me and i was knocked to the hard, muddy ground.

I Was completely dazed and confused by what just happend. First i was standing and next i felt like a mob of vampires had ran in to me and i fell unintentionally to the floor. I got up and the old lady was gone. I looked all around but she was no where to be seen.Well that was odd.

I ran back to the house, wanting to be with the others as i was extremely confused by the last event that had just happend in my life. I jumped in through mine and Rosalie's bedroom window as it was the closest opening in to our house. As soon as i was in the house a great pain came over me and i fell to the floor with a loud "THUDD!" and then everything went black.


Emmett had left to go on a walk. I did feel sorry for him, everyone was just looking at him, confused by Alice's vision. I too was confused by Alice's Vision. A Little while later we all decided that it would probably be best to just ignore Alice's vision and not think the worst of it. I was sat on the sofa, watching TV. Edward was with Bella, playing on the piano, Jasper and Alice were on the Sofa to my right ,talking in hushed voices and Carlisle and Esme were in Carlisle's Office. Emmett had been gone a while and i started to worry

All of a sudden we heard a Loud "THUDD!" From upstairs. We all ran to the source of the sound, which happend to come from mine and Emmett's room. I opened the door quickly wondering what the sound was, and sat there on the middle of the floor of mine and Emmett's bedroom was a little, golden eyed, Black curly haired, 1 year old baby Emmett.


So, How was it Good, Bad,Ok, Boring??? Comment to tell me if you want more !

And Thanks For Reading !

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