Chapter two

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Hey Guys! Thanks For Reading It means so much to me ! Ok, so here is Chapter two!



I was standing in the door way of mine and Emmetts bedroom, with my family behind me, staring at my husband who was one years old. He was sat looking at all of us with his big golden eyes while surrounded by the clothes that he was once wearing and once fit him but were now far too big. All of a sudden he started to pout, his eyes filled up with tears and he started to cry. My motherly instincts took over and i ran over to my little emmett, picked him up and started to rock him gently to try and calm him down.

"Well, My vision came true" The little pixie in the door way stated.

Em POV -

I Looked all around me to find my clothes scatterd on the floor around me then looked up at my family who were staring at me. For some reason my family looked really tall and i looked to the floor and realised that i was much closer to the ground than i was earlier and that confused me alot. My gaze turned back on to my family and i could feel something filling my eyes, making my vision slightly blurry and then i could feel my cheeks were wet, and i was wailing like a baby for some reason. Next thing i know Rose is running over to me and picks me up and starts to gently rock me. But the whole time i was thinking "Why The Hell Am I Crying!?".Edward was the one who answered my unspoken question.

" He thinks like his normal self...but is in the body of a one year old obviously he acts like a one year old but is really his normal self."

Great. So i was in a one year olds body and the only way i could communicate was through Edward. Just Great.

" But he's still a vampire, his eyes are gold and he doesnt have a pulse" Jasper pointed out.

" Yes, but he's crying, vampires cant cry." Esme also pointed out.

" I Wonder if he can sleep?" Carlisle had asked

" Well i guess we'll find out tonight!" Said Rosalie who for some reason was thrilled.

She was thrilled!? Im her husband and im in a one year old's body and she's thrilled!? Well, she always wanted to look after a baby and i guess that im that baby!


My Emmett was a baby! I Know i shouldnt be happy and excited but i get to look after a baby! He soon stopped crying and i sat on the bed and sat Emmett on my lap with my arms around him so he could sit up.

" Oh just think we could buy him little clothes and PJ's and little tiny shoes and socks to go on his little tiny feet! And i guess we wont need diapers since he doesnt eat food! So we can buy him little boxers! " I said with a lot of excitment in my voice!

" Rosalie, we cant keep Emmett as a baby. We need to change him back. I highly doubt he likes being a baby" Carlisle said.

What!? No! They cant take my little baby away, they just cant!

" No Carlisle. He's my little baby. You cant take him away from me, Please dont!" I Said with a hint of desperation in my voice, desperate to keep my Emmett as a baby. I protectivly held Emmett closer to me, not wanting them near my Emmett.

"Emmett is right, i think he should be the one who decides whether he wants to be a baby or not" Edward said,obviously reading Emmett's mind.

I knew Emmett wouldnt want to stay a baby. My hopes of ever having a baby faded even more. If i could i would be crying right now.

" He said this old lady probably had something to do with it, her scent is on his clothes, we'll just follow that scent and get the lady to turn Emmett back" Edward said, still reading Emmett's mind. My dreams of being a mother were gone. They were taking away the closest thing to a child of my own. All i wanted was a baby,is that too much to ask?

Em POV -

My angel Rosie looked at me like someone had just ripped her heart out. She knew i wouldnt want to stay this way. Carlisle came over and took me away from her so we could go find that lady from the forest. As he carried me away i saw my Rosie laying on the bed, hugging herself and if she could she would have tears streaming down her cheeks. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I could stay a baby for a little while couldn't i? That would make my Rosie happy and then we could find that lady after a few days and i could turn back to normal. Ok, thats a plan!

" WAIT!!" I screamed in my head so Edward could definitely hear me.

" Carlisle, Wait" Edward said, obviously hearing my thoughts. I turned to look at Edward

" i want to stay a baby, but only for a little while. Then you can change me back. I just want rose to be happy" I told Edward in my thoughts.

" He wants to stay a baby but only for a little while." Edward told Carlisle. While Edward spoke i kept my eyes on Rose and once Edward had finished talking Rose was sat up right with a large grin on her face obviously happy with my choices. My Rosie wanted a baby so i would give her a baby, even if it ment me being a baby for the next few days. I Held my tiny arms out to Rose wanting to be with her. Carlisle passed me to Rose and she sat me on her lap and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

" Thank you so much Emmy, I love you " She whisperd to me and then kissed my forehead. " I love you too" i thought as she held me closer to her. My Rosie is happy and at the moment that's all that matters to me.

About an hour later Alice had quickly made me some little Pyjamas and i was sat on Rosalie's lap who was sitting on the couch in the living room. She was holding a teddy bear infront of me and was making it dance and it was surprisingly enjoyable! I was just watching the teddy dancing with a huge smile on my face and would occasionally let out a cute baby giggle, while Rose was making the teddy dance and smiling. She obviously enjoyed being a mother. After a while i could feel my eyelids getting heavier and i slowly stopped giggling at the dancing teddy. Rose noticed this and craddled me in her arms

" Is my little Emmy tired?" She asked.

"Yes" i thought but couldnt say out loud, so i just nodded and then yawned. She took me up to our room and layed me in the middle of our bed. She put a blanket over me so it coverd most of my chest, my stomach and legs.

" Sweet dreams my handsome little Emmett, i'll see you in the morning". After she said that i drifted off in to a peaceful sleep, waiting to see what the morning would bring.


Hope You Enjoyed it ! Thanks for Reading !

My One Year Old Baby Husband, EmmettWhere stories live. Discover now