Empty Paint Pot

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[12:12 pm] 

Standing at the bar with a mysterious girl with white big fluffy hair sitting on a stool. Wearing a hot pink short dress and black high boots. Alastor decides to sit right next to her and as sits he places his hand sexually to make a move on her placement.
Soon she immediately slaps his hand of miss placement.

" I'm so sorry darling but the hand is meant to be placed at the bar, not a young lady's thigh"

Alastor looked at her with a  mysterious look of caution

"You are a little tiger aren't you"

" You can say that. I can be a little pouncer at times"
She winks

" right drinks. Whatcha want babe?"

" my usual. If you would guess."

She looks up and down at Al and smirks. Soon Husker's old friend comes up for a service to Alastor and the young woman.

" one sex on the beach babe and one martini dirty"

" you know Alastor? That's his favourite drink"

She looks at Alastor as he looks into her with a smile.

"How did you guess"

"Indovinando di essere solo fortunato"
" guessing I'm just lucky"

" Oh parli Italian?"
" oh you speak Italian?"

" you guess babe? Or did your penis just get erected"

"What do they call you?"

"Nunya "

" Nunya what"

"Nunya Business"

She stands up and pays Husker for her ' Sex on the beach. As she walks away past Alastor's ear into the party. Alastor pays Husk, picking his drink up and immediately following her to the back of the building.

Opening some doors to the back patio. She sits on the sofa alone lighting a spliff.

Alastor by the doors sipping his martini with she having no idea she was followed.

" illegal drugs aren't going to get you anywhere in life my dear"

She sees the mysterious figure at the doors and suddenly throws it away instantly coughing in fear

" Che cazzo!!!"
(what the fuck)

She coughs

" you my stalker now?"

"I thought we were talking but you had to move our conversation out here with you showing off your little weed stash under your dress with... male boxers?"

Alastor moves closer to him.

" it's not what you think!"

" Are you?"

"Se hai intenzione di dirlo, assicurati che il mondo intero lo faccia..."
" if you are gonna say it then make sure the whole world does..."

She starts to hold her tears back

"Non mi ha fatto perdere il lavoro... il mio amore... la mia dignità. Soldi. Casa. Solo questa scorta di erba mi capisce"
" not like it made me lose my job... my love... my dignity. Money. House. Only this stash of weed understands me"

Alastor soon sits next to her. Letting her cry over his bloody patchy suit.

" you are a man aren't you my dear"

The Gentleman's in 1967 (Radiodust) Where stories live. Discover now