not awkward anymore | oneshot

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this lives rent-free in my head.

Willow had found it cute when Hunter had first been in her room, how visibly awkward he looked. He avoided almost everything, and blushed a lot whenever Willow got even remotely close. When she offered to cuddle with him, he stuttered a yes while his face was more red than a tomato.

But now that they were dating, Hunter had become much more bold and less awkward, which was improvement, and Willow like that too.

Just, in some instances, she was the one who felt slightly awkward. Such as this one.

Hunter was on the floor, sitting on his knees, while Willow sat on the edge of the bed. His head rested on her lap and his arms were around her loosely, while her legs went under his arms.

He looked bored out of his mind, as they were studying for a test the next day.

Willow had been playing with his hair while trying to get him focused again.

Yet, every question seemed to go right over his head.

"Hunter," She began a new question, noticing his ears perk up. "Are you even paying attention to me?"

With incredibly sudden movement that caught Willow off guard, Hunter stood up, causing Willow to fall backwards on the bed, and he leaned over her, his arms on either side of her.

She felt her face heat up as he lightly smirked.

"Does this answer your question?" He asked back, playfully.

The first thought that came to Willow's mind was 'Is this really the same Hunter who was in here three weeks ago?  I swear he was more awkward.'

"Not really." She replied, looking at him expectantly for a real answer.

Hunter sighed in defeat. "I was only listening when you said my name. I like how Hunter sounds when you say it with your beautiful voice."

"Seriously? We should be—" Willow stopped when Hunter leaned in closer.

If he was any closer than where he was, they'd be kissing.

"Love, I'm sure you'll do fine on the test. You're a straight A+ student! My smart little girlfriend." Hunter praised her, his hand moving to affectionately rub her cheek.

"But what about you? It's your worst class." Willow pointed out.

"Why would I forget anything you say? We've been studying for the past couple hours, I think you deserve a break." Hunter countered.

"Fine, just for you." Willow gave in. "A small break."

"A small break." Hunter repeated, smiling and knowing full well it would be much longer than a small break.

After peppering kisses on her face and neck, Hunter settled into her bed beside her, and allowing her to cuddle up next to him.

Willows head lied on his chest, her arms wrapped across his waist and holding him tightly. Hunter rested his head on hers, lightly holding her and smiling. His eyes flutters shut, and soon they both were asleep.

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