03. total mess

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━━Impatiently, Summer stood in the lunch line for her food as kids chat in line about crushes and how difficult a teacher's test was. She wanted to eat but she changed her mind and walked out of line to sit down at a lunch table to do her math homework. She didn't think anything on where she was sitting or if you sit at a specific table, but she sat down anywhere.

"Where do you think you're sitting?" A girl scoffed as she held on her lunch tray tightly with her friend right next to her.

"Oh, sorry," Summer got up and moved to the corner of the room away from the tables to do her homework peacefully. She heard someone yell and she looked over at the man she saw earlier who helped her find her first hour class. That idiot, he is always trying to be the center of attention. She grabbed her things and placed them into her bag before heading to the restroom.

She quickly walked out of the restroom and started walking through the halls. Everyone has always left to go to class, besides the man. She sighed and clenched her bag, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Hey!" The man yelled cheerfully, "I didn't think I'd see you outside of class."

"Hi." Summer said in a monotone reply, looking at him with a blank facial expression. Trying not to show any emotion, so he wouldn't continue the conversation. Which he of course did. Like always.

"I didn't quite get your name, I'm Steve Harrington or just Steve." He lifted his eye brows and smiled, seeing if she'd be charmed.


"What?" He asked, as if he didn't listen the first time. He didn't.

"My name is Summer." She said irritatedly, she didn't like repeating herself at all. Her name sounded soothing and gentle but she, herself, really wasn't. God, what an idiot. Can't believe people like this douche, she thought.

"That is a pretty name," Steve complimented her before looking around the halls. "I should get going, I'll see you later. Right?"

"Thanks, I guess, and sure," Summer replied as she started walking to her next class. Once again being late. It was all Steve's fault.


It was saturday morning, and Summer woke up to her father slamming things onto the kitchen table in anger. Summer didn't know what was going on and didn't want to go see. She looked out the window and noticed her mother has left already for work. Her mother worked in the Hawkins clinic on the weekends and her father worked in a car dealership on the weekdays.

Summer groaned in grogginess and got dressed for the day before heading down to brush her teeth and hair. She could've gone back to sleep but she didn't want to and she needed to help her father unpack boxes from the move.

"Goodmorning, Summer." He croaked as he read the newspaper and finished his bowl or cornflakes and mug of coffee. "You're helping me unpack today, right?" He took a sip of his coffee. That had nothing in it. Just coffee. No sugar, creamer, or milk.

"Yes, dad. I wanted to ask you if I could go around Hawkins later and you know...look around?" She asked sitting down at the table with a cup of water and took a sip.

"Maybe, you might want to ask your mother first. Have to at least pack five boxes today."

"Ok," she replied looking over at the t.v. with her fathers favorite show on. That he wasn't even watching, like usual.

She finished her cup of water and walked down to the basement to grab a box to unpack. She heard a low growl and stopped midway of the stairs. She thought nothing of it and turned on the light. Before walking over to grab a box and brought it upstairs.

She finished unpacking the boxes by noon and she headed to the kitchen to make something to eat for lunch before going out. Since fast food is expensive and she didn't want to spend any money on it. She wanted to spend her money on clothes, or something cool, but no food. She sat at the table eating her sandwich while her father was on the couch watching t.v. "Ok, dad. I'm heading out, see you in a few hours." Summer blurted as she walked out the door while putting on her jacket.

She quickly unlocked the shed and grabbed her bike, this was her first time going out with a friend. She wasn't able to do this back in Michigan. Living in a bad neighborhood sucked and had a lot of cons compared to pros to it. Now she lives in a decently safe neighborhood, at least she thought it was.

Summer was in a complete mess, she was having extreme difficulties. She found it hard to focus in school and she was falling behind, making friends, getting used to her new home and neighborhood. She had only made one friend within the week. A short, blonde haired, girl named Stacy. And that who she was going out to see at the Starcourt mall.

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