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When Hiro woke up to the sensation of something cold against his forehead, the last thing he expected to see was Aster and a gun

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When Hiro woke up to the sensation of something cold against his forehead, the last thing he expected to see was Aster and a gun.

"If you even breathe, I'll shoot."

The old man muttered darkly, and Hiro's eyes went wide as he looked around, seeing Y/n, half asleep, but fully done with her grandfather's shit. Behind her was Min-Jae with a smoothie, and Isla with a bowl of cereal, chewing away noisily at her cocoa pillows as she looked at him as though she were watching the most riveting drama.

"What shenanigans have you been up to with my 'Ria?"

Hiro had to wake up before he could formulate an answer, a sleepy and dazed hwuuuh? leaving his mouth, rather than any coherent words. Eventually he caught his bearings, and after having seen the old man's weapons held at him more than once, Hiro sighed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes with a yawn.
"What do you mean shenanigans?"
He groaned, and then he peered over to Y/n, who briefly gestured to the hickies he left on her neck.


Hiro couldn't say anything much about that.

"Is the gun really necessary? It's empty."
Y/n groaned as she tugged the weapon out of her grandfather's hand and turned to put it away, only to yelp as he tugged on her ear and pulled her towards him.

"Oh no, you're both getting your asses beat."

__________ 💙 __________

And that's how Hiro and Y/n spent their morning, their heads bowed and throbbing with a mild pain as Aster lectured the two of them.

...after smacking the two at the back of the head with a slipper.

"I don't want to be a great-grandpa for another 10 years !"
He yelled at the two of them, and Y/n held one of the most sour expressions Hiro had ever seen in his entire life, all whilst biting back a cacophony of snickers.

"I dunno gramps, I think I'd be a pretty great Aunt."
Isla piped up, now on the couch with her third bowl of cereal that morning, still dressed in her jigglypuff onesie.

Y/n sighed, still annoyed as she looked up to her grandfather. Clearly it was too early for anything like this to be going on, and she gave the old man a flat expression as she shook her head.

"Don't worry, kids aren't on my ten year plan?"
Hiro rolled his eyes, scowling as he got another smack over the head with the slipper.

"You have a ten year plan?"
Y/n snorted, looking over at him.

"You don't?"

"What's on it?"
She asked immediately, and without hesitating, Hiro looked over to his girlfriend with a smirk.

"Tax evasion."

Y/n let out a sharp laugh, before shaking her head as she pulled herself up to her feet.
"Grandfather, please sit down before I convince Father to put you in a nursing home."

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 || °.○°. Hiro.Hamada .•○.° || Where stories live. Discover now