•Chapter 4: Day 04•

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I knock on the door, stepping back. The doors swings open, leaving me face-to-face with Sam. He smiles at me and moves out of the way.

"Hey Sam!" I say, coming inside.

I glance around his house, noticing how similar it was to my own. It had the same vibe mine had, with the bright colors.

"Hey Foolish, how have you been?" He says, going to his kitchen.

"I've been good! You?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"I'm doing great. Want some soda?" Sam offers, looking inside the fridge.

"Yeah, sure. What do you have?"

"Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Fanta."

"I'll take Coke."

He grabs a Coke and Dr. Pepper, setting the Coke in front of me. I pop open the tab, taking a sip. We fall into an uncomfortable silence for a while.

"Want to play some Mario Kart?" Sam asks, and I nod.

We head to the living room, and Sam hands me a switch controller. I wait for him to set up the game. Once he does, we don't hesitate to start up a round.

The next hour or so is spent with us having rage over losing and bragging over winning. We laugh, and Sam gets up to disconnect the game.

"What do you want to do now?" He asks.

"I don't know, what do you have here?"

"I've got minecraft, a bunch of switch games, board games, and other random things." Sam explains, and I hum.

"Let's try and beat minecraft." I say, and Sam sets it up.

We get into a world, and I almost instantly get blown up by a creeper. I scream, setting the controller down and crossing my arms.

"That isn't fair, we just barely started!" I say, and Sam bursts into laughter.

"How did you die already?!"

"The creeper blew up while I was stuck in a hole!" I yelled.

"You were stuck in a what?!" He yelled, laughing more.

"Oh shut up, Sam!" I laugh with him.

We try and complete the game, but it's a major fail. I kept on dying and Sam's laughing was slowing us down. It was fun, though.

"Have you watched Heartstopper?" Sam asks, scrolling through Netflix.

"Yeah, Punz is obsessed with it. Have you?" I respond, and Sam shakes his head.

"Wanna watch it?" He asks.

"Sure, turn it on." I say, shifting slightly.

Sam searches for the show, struggling to spell. I burst out laughing at how many times he gets it wrong. Finally he manages to spell it right and find Heartstopper.

As it turned on, I almost got entirely distracted by the scenes moving on the screen. Thankfully I remember what I was here for. I brush my hand on top of his, and he interlocks our fingers this time.

Nothing happened, we just held hands and watched the show. There was no sign that Sam was who I was looking for. I had to try my hardest not to sigh out loud.

After most of the day, the credits finally scrolled across the screen. I broke the hold we had on each others hands, getting up. Sam looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"It's late, and I have some stuff to do tomorrow. I'm gonna head out. This was fun though, we should do this again sometime." I say, and Sam smiles.

"Alright, bye Foolish." He says, and I turn to leave.

"Bye Sam." I say, heading out.

As I get in my car, I turn on the radio. Random songs play through the air, until one of the ones from Heartstopper come on. It came on right as I pulled in my driveway, so I sat in my car until it was over. One thought crossed my mind as I entered my house.

Who could my soulmate be?

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