Chapter twenty one.

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"Guards take her Away."

The guards that surrounded her brought her to the palace cell.

She was locked away and her mother was now regaining the throne.

Everyone was so surprised and confused not even knowing what to think.

"How did you manage to get out?" A minister bowed and asked the queen.

"My loyal guard has helped me and he will be rewarded handsomely for this."

"Saving you was worth it your highness."

Then suddenly someone unknown walked in. "You don't have any right to sit on that throne."

It was yun fang.

But how could it be? The queen thought.

Everyone else was shocked. "Didn't he die..?" Someone asked.

Meanwhile, there was another person walking in behind him, it was liang mei.

"But I locked you up—-"  the queen said out loud.

"No, you simply locked up an imposter, and killed the other imposter."

"We knew that you wouldn't die so easily, we were prepared for something like this to happen..we took two of our prisoners who were willing to sacrifice their life for this means, and had a sorcerer make us magical masks that looked like the both of us. So that, it could seem as if we had already lost."

"yun fang would seem to be dead and I would be locked away, but We knew you wouldn't just give up, and I know your loyal guard was out there somewhere and he would eventually come to help you so I devised a plan."

"Now everyone you will find out the truth about my mother."

"I locked her away in the realm of hell because she deserved to be there. She was secretly taking more than what she had earned and starving the lower side of the Novoland. That's  why they were living in slums, starving, easily picking up diseases and dying of these causes."

"It was because of my selfish mother who took everything for herself. I wanted to help the people of the lower Novoland, but I couldn't do it without becoming queen..I knew that I'd have to become queen to unite our kingdom, but in order to do that I would have to fake my  mothers death and put her in the realm of hell because only then could I help the people."

Everyone was disappointed and disturbed by truth of the dethroned queen. "How could she do that to them..?" "Those poor people.." "they lived in unfairness and despair all of their life because of her selfishness."

"Yes my mother and the queen who you once knew isn't who she really is. She is a liar, and a fake, she came back to reclaim her throne because all she cares about is power. Everyone take a look at my mother she would rather hurt our people and separate our people just for the sake of herself and power..why? Because she doesn't care about anyone but herself."

"Justice for the lower side of the Novoland!!" Everyone chanted in unisex.

"And yun fang? He's from the lower side of the Novoland, the only reason he stole was because he needed to protect his brothers and sisters. He is no thief, my mother labeled him a thief when in reality he's a brother and a son who cares about his family and their well-being, they could barely even survive so he had to find a way to help his family survive and this is the only way, all because of my mothers selfishness, he had a hard time living always on the run."

"But now..he doesn't have to run anymore, because as your new queen..I will unite the kingdom and everyone shall have equality, instead of only the higher Novoland, everyone shall have peace."

"That's why by uniting the kingdom, I will marry yun fang for the peace, and because I love him deeply."

Everyone bowed and admired the new queen for what a good person she was.

"Guards take my mother to the realm of hell, and this time behead her guard and make sure she never gets out. Anyone who tries to save her, or the guard will be known as a traitor and will die too."

The guards bowed. "Yes your majesty." Taking her mother to the realm of hell and taking her guard to be executed.

Meanwhile yun fang and liang mei decided to tie the knot in front of everyone, Getting married.

When the banquet was over they both were in bed together.

They both kissed each other deeply and closed the blinds, because you know what happens next, he was officially going to claim her as his.

A deep love had been born, and nothing could stand in the way of it, not even power.


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