Gotta get things right . .

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King Dice's Pov
It was only a short while after Devil and I argued . And I tried my best to help pick up the Casino . It was messy . Heck , ruined .
And i still wonder .. how those cups managed to defeat Devil . And me .. Honestly I am shocked how they beat all of them . And made it out alive .
"Oi !! KD !" I heard Mr. Wheezy . I know that voice anywhere . "Whee-" SMACK
"Asshole !!!" He exclaimed after hitting me across the face . "The hell ?-" I rub my cheek . "How could ya let those boys escape !! Boss had better be so angry with ye !!" He grumbled , crossing his arms .  "Wheezy . It wasn't my fault ." I look at him with angered eyes .
"Sure ! Sure ! Who's ta blame then ? Eh ?" Wheezy sounded panicked , he tossed his hands up and slightly pushed me . "Ugh !-" I glare at him . "And you steppin' on me ?! And hurtin' the others ?? What the hell Dice ?" He grunts , I wave the air , moving away smoke from his head . "Calm down Wheezy . I am sorry . Let me explai-" Wheezy scoffed , seeming like he didn't want to hear what i had to say .
"Whatever . Save it ! 'S fine ,, I guess ." He then calmed down . "But .. is boss angry ?"
"Of course he is !!! I'm sure he is fine now though . He apologized .." I rub the back of my head . "Hm . Really ? Wow . Um .." Wheezy shrugged and walked off . "See ya King ."
I sigh . "See ya ."

A few hours later . .

Devil's Pov
"Hey boss .."
I heard King Dice say softly . He had knocked on my door . I sigh and say , slightly annoyed "Come in ." I was tired , and upset . Not specifically at Dice . Just .. *sigh* .
"Boss I- aheh ... Hi .." Dice waved as he entered , he closes the door and looks back at me , he looked nervous ..?
"Whats the matter , Dice ?" I look up , my ears perked up too . "Um .. I finished up cleaning .. well the most i could anyway ." He sighed tiredly , then gave me a smile .
"Good . Um-"
I smile only slightly .

Dice comes closer to me and puts his hands in my desk , i look at him and tilt my head . "Dice , are you oka—"
King started to cry in front of me . He got shakey . I perk up and reach out my hand , i place it on his shoulder . "Dice ..?"
"I-i feel .. bad . I am sorry , Boss . I am a failure to you .  A disapoi—" Dice replied with a shakey voice , he really sounded like he was in distress
"No ." I say , i look at him angrily . "No Dice . You aren't a failure to me ." He looked up at me , a tear rolled down his cheek .
"But .."
"Dice ."
I put my hand down and Dice looked away , wiping his face . "Diiiice .." I smile slightly , tilting my head . He smiled too , trying to hide it from me . He shook his head slowly and sniffled . "Yes , heh .. boss ?" He looks at me again .
We both just look into eachothers eyes , his green eyes trapped me in awe . I loved his eyes .
Suddenly , Dice chuckled and covered his face in embarrassment it felt .
"Gosh i- ... Sorry , Boss ."
I got up and stood above him , he looks up at me .
Without hesitation , I kiss the top of his head with  smile and walk out all blushy .

King Dice's Pov
I felt a blush go across my cheeks , i was so whoozy , in love ..?
I walk out , now behind Devil . I didn't know what to say . I just smile like a dork .
I hear Devil chuckle softly , his raspy-like voice sent  chills down my spine . But this time not because of fear . .

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