What is this strange feeling ..?

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King Dice's Pov
Devil- My boss , just kissed me ?? On the head but ...

Oh my .

Later . .
I walked into the bar , it was still quite messy . But most of it had been fixed up . I saw Chips , and Wheezy . And some other folks .
"Howdy , Mr. King Dice !!" I look over and see chips , he waved with a slight smile .
I walk over to them and sigh . "Hey you two .."
"Hey , Dice ." Wheezy said , smiling a bit .
"Tired ?" Chips asked , he scoots closer to me . "Ehh .." I sat down , and put my head on my hand . Chips nudges me .
"Yeah . Yeah , I am pretty tired . Heh ."
I laugh , tiredly .
I still could not stop thinking about earlier .. When boss actually seemed calm . With me ..?
I don't understand .
"Oi ! Dice , you good there ? You look like yer gonna pass out !" Wheezy squints , looking at me . I sigh again , tiredly and shake my head slowly . "I'm okay ."
"Whats on ye mind ?" He asks me , I grunt . I didn't want to tell him that . The last thing i need is him tellin' boss . It's not like I even have any feelings for him . We are just friends .. Right ?
I was dozing off ..
Wheezy pats my face and i shake my head . "Ugh- sorry .."
"Heh ! Don't pass out on us !"  He chuckled .
"Right , uh-"
I look to the side .
"Soooo .. whatcha thinkin' about ?"
"Nothin' !!" I quickly say .
"Ye sureeee ??" Wheezy was pushing my buttons now . I won't tell him .
"Yes . I am ." I cross my arms .
Chips giggles , and Wheezy scoffed , rolling his eyes playfully . "Whatever ." He said .

I feel weird .
I'm gonna go find boss . .

Devil's Pov
I haven't stopped thinking of earlier today . shouldn't have done that . I shouldn't have kissed him . What if Dice was uncomfortable ?? What if he hates me now ? Wait . Why do i care ? I DONT CARE !!.. I'm the DEVIL . I'm not supposed to give a shit about anyone .

I slam my head on the desk , in my office . I sigh deeply and groan in frustration .
This is so STUPI—

Knock Knock
I sat up "C-come in ." I rub my head .
I saw Dice come in and i blushed little , he looked at me and smiled . He's so cute . NO-
"Hey boss ..? Um , sorry if I am bothering you but .. I wanted to- well-" Dice looked down , he started mumbling , stammering up words . I tilt my head and look to my side . "Oh ? It's quite alright , Dice . Is there .." I look back at him , he looked at me . "-Somethin' you needed to tell me ?" I finish . Smirking at the man .
"Yes ! I mean , no- I mean !-" He awkwardly talks .

"Dice . Come here ." I command .
"Y-yes .." He walked forward , now standing at my desk . I get up and walk right in front of him , he backs away a bit . My tail started to sway slowly . "Tell me ,, do you know why I kissed you earlier ?"
I raise a brow , smirking at Dice .
He froze , looking around . I noticed him blushing . His cheeks were light purple .
I place my hand on his cheek .
"W-well , Boss . I don't know ? I just assumed it was like a thank you ? Or a-"
I laugh . "Hey !-" Dice blushed more .
He looked away from me , embarrassed .
"Ohhh Dice .
You're too much ."
I lean in .
He looks back at me with his .. beautiful .. green eyes .
"Dice .."

"Yes ..?"

"I .."

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