I: An Unlikely Meeting

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Her flat isn't the biggest in the world. In fact, it was the only large one in her small city. It was only around 50 meters (or 164 ft, which her owner tells the fellow residents to brag about his wealth). It was far away from big shot places, but close enough to supermarkets. Business wise, the owner was clever with his pick. However, the building had an infamous reputation. That being, how it was a spot for people to commit suicide.

Whenever it happened, the owner did grief for the deceased, but had to keep a Stoic face with the reporters. Every time someone new would join, he always ensured they knew if they were suffering any problems, he would gladly help them. Alas, his claims went unknown as those people would be the next ones to kick the bucket.

And that would also come true for this woman, currently on top of the building, about to follow in those nameless footsteps.

She was 23 years old and unemployed. She was very close to running out of money to pay rent, and already wasted her extensions. The reasons for this are unknown, as she never told a single soul her woes. Instead, she decided to keep them to herself forever in life and death.

She had long, red hair that reached near her hips. Freckles spread across her face, to her chin and up to her forehead. However, they were unseeable with the large hoodie, placing it in darkness for only her to know. The only things you could tell about her appearance was the old sweatpants, wrinkled hoodie, and sliver watch on her left wrist hiding the scars.

Her name was Kris Hendrik, and she was about to die.

Smoke escaped her mouth from a cigarette she planned to be her very last. Kris stared down the open road her flat had across from it. A small bit of sweat dropped from her face to the very bottom, but she was confident in this.

Kris had no other desire to live. Not because of hardships or failures, but she saw nothing else to live for. She achieved the goals she wanted to do, and there was nothing else left for her. "So, why bother living?" She thought.

No one gave her a worthwhile answer, so she came to her own.


She looked up again to see her watch. 23:55. She decided that 0:00 would be the time she would jump off. If you were to ask her why that specific time, she would respond grimly, "If I don't exist, I would like it to be a new day. Like waking up from a dream."


It was a very chilly night. She started to shiver quite a bit that Kris didn't notice the door to the roof opening. Only until she heard loud steps, she turned around curiously. Kris didn't seem annoyed, but instead curious on who decided to be here with her.

The person was a woman with a very clean suit on.

She had short blond hair with pink highlights that were nearly visible. Her suit looked very new, with a price tag still hanging from her armpits. She wore a small earring on her left ear. Although, she looked quite formal, the dark bags under her eyes said otherwise. She stunk like old milk and her hair was all tangled as if she didn't bother to take care of it for months. She looked very exhausted and, usually, no one would think she looked remotely pretty.

But Kris looked at her in wonder and awe. She could only think, "She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." But she tossed the thought out. She knew better, not to think of such sapphic thoughts. 

She was raised in a very religious household that banned such lifestyles and thoughts. Though that never stopped Kris from doing those things. She did always feel incredibly guilty for going against those teachings, but Kris found this desire to go against those rules and do what she wanted. 

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