II: An Unlikely Morning

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The sun brightly shined through the half-opened curtains into Kris' flat. Half naked with only a loose shirt as clothing, she still looked exhausted. More so, confused by waking up at all. She didn't expect to wake up. In fact, she thought she would have died. Then she fully remembered the events of last night (or rather, this morning) and groaned loudly.

She quickly stopped after hearing another person's reaction to her groan.

It was the girl she had met the other day, sleeping on her bed with her.

Kris didn't expect to see her, or in her bed alongside her. Naturally, she panicked and fell off the bed. The loud noise woke up Steph. She was still dressed in her brand-new suit, but the bags under her eyes were the only noticeable change. They had lessened with a good night of rest.

She half stood up on the bed, rubbing her eyes to fight off the sleepiness.

"You don't have to be so loud so early in the morning," yawned Steph.

Kris would usually agree with her, as she hated loud noises, but this was a unique situation they found themselves in.

Kris noticed the suit, and asked, "Why are you still wearing that? Wasn't it uncomfortable for you?"

"Not really, no," Steph replied in a monotone voice.

"I feel like you're lying, but alright then," Kris mumbled.

Kris stood up and glanced around at her flat. Despite her financial problems, she never decided to sell a single thing in her flat. Mostly because there was nothing worth selling. All there was around her flat were the bare necessities for someone to live. Silverware, a bed, clothes all over the ground and unwashed dishes didn't exactly leave anything for someone to desire. It's not as if Kris disliked her flat, but she knew in the eyes of others, it was in desperate need of a cleaning.

Kris waited for Steph to comment on her flat when she started to glare around. Oddly enough, she didn't seem to mind it. Instead, she finally got out of bed to stretch.

Kris could hear the bones crack loudly, like a pencil breaking apart. Either she never stretched before, or that suit was really uncomfortable.

"Sooooo, can I borrow some clothes?" She asked sweetly.

Kris simply nodded in response. She grabbed a random shirt and tiny shorts and handed them over to Steph.

She held them up in the air. "I think these are too big for me."

"It doesn't matter for now. You can always go back home, and find your clothes."

Steph nervously giggled. "Funny thing about that is, I don't have a home." Kris looked at Steph with pure confusion. "What do you mean? Did you sell your house or flat or whatever when you decided to die?"

Steph shook her head.

"No, I've never had a home, to begin with. I've been staying at friend's and lover's houses for a while now."

"So, where did you keep your stuff?"

"Never had any. This suit is the only thing I've ever bought clothing-wise."

Kris became more confused about this situation but decided to not think too much about it yet. Besides, only one thing mattered to her at the moment, if Steph was suggesting she was going to stay here. 

"Do you have a job?"

"Used to."

"Do you have money?"

"Yeah, not that much."

"How much?"

"70 quid on hand, but about 1,000 or so in the bank."

An Unlikely PairWhere stories live. Discover now