Chapter 12

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"We need to hit someone, now," Kurotsuchi said looking up at the dark night sky.

I huffed, "do you have a dojutsu to see in the dark?"

She grumbled, "would you rather we wait here like sitting ducks and for them to kill us?"

"Or we go out and fall into one of their traps and then they kill us," I argued back.

She huffed and turned to the sound genin on our team, Sidra, "what do you think Sidra? Should we move out or stay here?"

The sound genin looked up from the small camp site he made, "I think the tree huggers right. Going out in the dark will leave us at a disadvantage, especially if we don't know how the others are going to attack."

Kurotsuchi threw her hands up in frustration, "I'm surrounded by cowards!"

"Cowards live, and more importantly, patient cowards win," I told her as we all sat around the samm camp fire.

The Iwa kunoichi sighed, "fine, then what's the plan oh fearless leader?"

"First thing's first, Sidra, the treasure item please," I asked. The sound nin tossed the bag we were given by B and I quickly took out the item inside. It was a wooden statue of a falcon, nothing too special.

"What are you going to do with it?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"I'm going to hide it," I opened the inventory and moved it behind me. I then slipped the statue into it and reveled my now empty hands, "ta-da!"

Kurotsuchi rolled her eyes, "it's obviously behind you," I turned around, hands still up, "what"

I turned to her and winked, "Konoha secret."

She blushed, " didn't put it up...." he pointed upwards with her finger.

"What?! No! Why would I do that to myself!" I cried out.

Sidra laughed, "oh this is priceless! I knew you tree huggers loved wood, but this is too much!"

I grumbled, face planning myself as my two new teammates laughed at my expense. "If you must know I put it into a storage seal somewhere on my person. The only way anyone can access it now is if I give it to them. So even if we get beaten and are knocked unconscious, they won't get the statue."

Kurotsuchi nodded, "not a bad idea. Good job tree hugger."

"I hate that nickname," I sighed as I took out the map I had made of the valley before and rolled it out. I then took out a piece of paper which had all the new teams marked on it. "This is where we are," I said pointing on the map, "and these are the teams we have to face."

Kurotsuchi groaned, "that map you have is different from the one on the academy walls," she said taking out her own map.

"Same here," Sidra nodded taking out his own copy.

I smirked, "that's because I switched the maps. Before everyone realised they should copy down the maps I made a fake and then replaced that with the original. You all copied down the fake I made, this map here is the real one."

Kurotschi hissed, "fucking tree hugger. I should have known you would have tried something."

"That's...impressive," Sidra nodded, "I'm impressed, I didn't think you tree huggers had it in you to be this sneaky."

I shrugged, "you shouldn't make assumptions on stereotypes Sidra, they could get you killed. A konoha ninja can be ruthless, a Suna ninja can smile a Kumo ninja can have a normal personality and an Iwa ninja can actually have brains."

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