🥵001 x Fem. Reader🥵(Part3)

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Part three, here we go!!!!


"Good morning children." Papa came into the room with a smile plastered across his face.

"Good morning papa," they all said in unison.

"Are you ready for the activity today?"

"Yes papa."

"Alight, let's go then." They began to exit the room.

As the rest of them extied, Eleven and Ten slipped away from the group. When the rest turned Peter, Eleven, Ten and I ran past that hallway.

We were running for a good five minutes, and as soon as we made it to the basement and alarm went off.

"Th-they're gonna find us.. were never getting out, were going to be punished," Ten began to hyperventilate, and I pulled him into a hug.

"Look at me, I will never let him hurt you." I picked him up, and Peter continued leading the way.

We made it outside and over to a fence. There was a big enough whole for us to crawl through, and we ran into the woods.

"Wait," Peter said as we stopped infront of a river. That river.... "Y/n and I have trackers on us, Eleven and Ten you need to pull them out."

I pull down the collar of my shirt, and close my eyes as I feel it moving. I bite my lip trying to not feel the pain and finally Ten gets out the tracker.

"Thank you Eleven and Ten, now let's get going." Peter picked up Eleven, and looked at me to pick up Ten.

We heard voices behind us and he jumped in, I hesitantly followed suit.

The current of the water was strong, and I held onto Ten for dear life so I wouldn't loose him.

Then it all became blury....


When I woke up I had breathing tubes? I was in a hospital gown... and a monitor was next to me.... where am I? How long have I been in here??

A nurse came in humming a tune and when she looked at me she dropped her clipboard and pencil.

Then she ran out screaming:


What? Of course I'm awake.. Wait what if Doctor..papa... is here?

Nope I'm not taking any chances. I ran towards the window stumbling a bit, climbed out and ran.

What was I even doing? Where am I supposed to go?

Then I remembered. I need to find Ten.. and Eleven.. Peter....

I ran around everywhere trying to find something, or someone I recognized. Yet I found nothing helpful...

I eventually found a lake, and it was kinda dark out. I looked into the lake not expecting what I saw... I looked older? Not like in my elderly.. but maybe in my late twenties...

What year is it...? What if... they didn't make it? Tear began to sting my eyes and started pouring out. Is it my fault? What if they're back there while I've been in asleep and-

~random clock noise~

What the hell?

~louder random clock noise~

I stood up and stumbled closer to the noise. I tripped and fell in the water, but someone pulled me out after a second.

I didn't want to open my eyes..

"My dear.."

That voice isnt familiar.. and yet it is?

I open my eyes and see some demonic figure reaching to touch my face.

"Who are you?" I say shakily, his hand was cold.

"You don't remember? And after all those years together..."


"Yes my dear?"

There was no way that was him...

"Where's Ten and Eleven...?"

"Elevens alive..."

"What about Ten dammit!!" That's the first time I snapped at him. "I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled like that.."

"My dear.. what if I told you we could rule the world together?"

"What?" The confusion on my face probably would've been enough.

"I have the power to destroy, control, and reshape the world to how we want it to be.." He gave me a smile... he most certainly was different.

"What happened to your body?"

"It's just a minor adjustment I had to make in order to have this power.. but that dosent matter right? You still love me all the same." He pulled me in and I wasn't sure what to do.

"Then again..." I heard him speak. "Your thoughts say otherwise... do you still love me, my dear?"

I looked around us, there were pillars.. were those dead people..?

"Did you kill them?" I ask, turning my head back to him.

"Like I said, a minor sacrifice."

"Minor sacrifice?" He looked at me enraged. "You've gotta be kidding me. I don't love this side of you. I loved you... but I can't love this new you."

"So, you have to options." I narrowed my eyes when he said this. "Rule with me... or die."

"I'd rather die then take the lives of the innocent." I say plainly.

He pushed me against an empty pillar and immediately vines rapped around me, choking me. I still didn't move, I just looked him.

I thought he'd be happy I was dying.. that he'd get to have full control, bit what I saw sure wasn't happiness.

Tears rolled down his face... that's when I realized I began crying too.

"I loved you y/n... I thought... this was what would make you happiest."

I only though my response because a vine had covered my mouth...

"You made me happy my love... I only wanted you..."

He said nothing, he just turned and walked away.

I let the vines take me, and the last thing I saw was the image in my head of him and I, little, and still in the rainbow room. The first time we met... was the best day of my life.....

I will always love you my darling...

~your dear, y/n


I hope you all enjoyed this! I don't end things very well but I tried! Even of you didn't like this, thank you for reading anyways.

Have a great night/day!


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