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"I already regret this," Kaz moaned, staring out the rain splattered window.
"A little rain never hurt anyone!" Nina proclaimed merrily, pouring tea into a mug with what appeared to be a naked lady in the woods on it. Wylan decided it was best not to question it.
Wylan was curled up on a couch in the tiny kitchen, a map in hand. It was something he'd been working on for quite a while but refused to show the other crows just yet.
"I hit my head on the door of the bathroom," Jesper declared, striding into the kitchen. His dark skin almost gleamed in the lamp light.
It was only early afternoon, but Inej had decided to turn the lamps on when the sky started to rapidly darken as grey clouds like Jesper's eyes rolled in.
"Nina, a word?" Matthias said, holding up an empty soup bowl.
"I was going to clear the dishes in a second," Nina said, rolling her eyes.
The six had been here less than three hours and were already getting on each other's nerves. Wylan dreaded to think what would be left of them by the end of the weekend.
"Hey," Inej said loudly, "why don't we all play a game?"
"Strip poker?" Jesper asked.
"Spin the bottle murder addition?" Nina suggested.
"Knife Chess," Kaz said.
Matthias widened his eyes, looking around at the rest of them. "At this point I'm not sure you're joking."
"Oh he isn't," Nina assured, her green eyes sparkling.

In the end, they played truth or dare. It wasn't generally speaking an enjoyable game, but desperate times call for seperate measures, and being stuck inside a small log cabin in the forest in a growing storm certainly counted as desperate.
The six sat in a circle on the ornate rug that adorned the small living room. Wylan noticed Nina grinning like a shark and prayed he wouldn't be the one to fall victim to her.
Jesper locked eyes with Wylan across the circle and winked, causing Wylan's insides to churn, but in a good way. In a great way.
"Truth or dare, Jes," Nina said innocently.
Jesper appeared to consider the question for a long moment, before nodding decisively. "Dare."
Nina's mouth twisted into a smile. Her eyes glinted ferociously, her round bright cheeks and kneeling stance the picture of innocence, but her eyes gave her away. "I dare you to hug Wylan." Wylan couldn't have been more shocked if Nina had transformed on the spot into a purple iguana. The dare seemed harmless enough, to the naked eye. But Nina had a gift for picking up on body language. She must have seen the way Wylan was looking at Jesper. Saints, he was going to get her back for this somehow.
Jesper scoffed. "You call that a dare?" He leaned over the circle to where Wylan sat, and gave him a quick but friendly hug. Wylan must have noticeably flinched, because Jesper squinted at him for a moment. "You alright, Wy?" He gulped and nodded.
"My turn!" Declared Jesper. He considered his choice for several seconds, then poked Inej (who was sitting on his right) just above her chest near her collarbone, saying "You."
Inej smiled. "Truth."
"If you could kiss someone in the circle right now, no questions asked, would you?" 
Inej's cheeks turned slightly pink as she nodded.
"Inej Ghafa, do you have a crush?" Jesper said teasingly.
"That's a different question."
There was a sound like something hitting a wall from the bathroom/bedroom area. Wylan jumped. Everyone stared in the direction the noise had come from.
"Should someone go check that out?" Inej said quietly.
"Bags not!" Nina whisper-shouted, and Matthias clamped a hand over her mouth.
"Shut it, Zenik."
"For saints sakes, I'll go check it out," Kaz grumbled exasperatedly.
"Be careful, Kaz," Inej whispered. "If it's an intruder they could've been here this whole time and will likely be armed." In response Kaz pulled a blade the length of a boot from an inside pocket of his Jacket and picked up his crows head cane.
Wylan felt animal urge to run. Forget about the others, they knew how to handle themselves in a fight. Of course the rain pounding heavier than ever on the roof and the rapidly darkening sky were somewhat of a deterrent from the flight bit of fight or flight, which just left the fight. He balled his fists, before realising how ridiculous that was. If there was an armed intruder in one of those rooms his pale knuckles and pink hands wouldn't do a whole bunch of good.
Kaz was walking slowly towards the bedroom, his Kane making the barest of sounds on the grubby carpet.
Wylan squeezed his eyes shut as Kaz reached for the door handle, leaving the image of Jesper, Nina, Matthias and Inej's concerned faces in a circle - possibly the last time he'd ever see them.
There was a roar of anger from Kaz close by, and then a high pitched squeal from a voice that sounded oddly familiar.
"KUWEI!" Kaz roared in the other room. Wylan's eyes flew open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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