Chapter Twenty-Four

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 Andy had almost cried when Sage told him that she had stopped bleeding, and being engulfed in a hug was something so silly to her that she couldn't help but enjoy it.

The laughter was contagious that Andy decided that they should celebrate. A small one, to use up the ale they worked so hard to brew this summer.

It was delicious, the small tastes Sage had managed—But after realizing it was alcoholic, she claimed that she couldn't hold her alcohol and that it was bad for the pups.

"I'll drink for the both of us, hun." He decided, though everyone was limited to one or two just because of the predicament they were in. The crowd was surrounding the pack's makeshift cafeteria. Sage's legs were draped over Andy's as they sat together on the couch and enjoyed the energy.

But her eyes sadly scanned the perimeter. Remus wasn't in this picture. They were much more lively than the cold stares she'd deal with in Crescent Moon. Maybe it was the open wound or the worry for the future—But Rogues always worried about the future.

And Sage was starting to understand the difference between formal and Rogue packs. It was safe to say that there was nothing demanding about being here. If she wanted to do something, Andy hardly battened an eye. Realistically the territory was too dense to really travel alone.

The idea of ranks wasn't offered the same way. Nobody was outright an Omega—Everyone took turns in the kitchen, even Andy, which surprised her when she caught him cooking up a beautiful Italian dish right beside her.

Even with the lost numbers wanting to stay away from war and bloodshed, they still held a crowd surrounding them. Sage leaned in further with her head on Andy's shoulder, just soaking in the joy, while he didn't hesitate to show his own affection.

It stung a bit, every time she'd leave her imagination to picture Remus in his place. This tore through her heart and then some, but the addition of a few sips of wolf booze sparked an even cuddler bear-slayer. Though she wasn't the only one, Elena seemed more than comfortable in the arms of Severin.

Sage hardly enjoyed the night after having fallen asleep after the hard labor from previous days, but Andy categorized it as being a lightweight to the few sips he'd let her have. Sure enough, he carried her in his arms and settled her in bed right beside him.

Curling his arms around her figure, his palms kneaded her stomach lightly as he whispered softly into the semi-dark room. The only light coming from the windows was the goddess herself, her blessed moonlight.

"Beautiful crystal I hold this night,
Flame with love for my delight.
Harm to none as love comes to me.
This I ask, and so shall it be."

The rock itself had been small, but in asking for a quartz crystal from the group of witches in the pack, it was quite easy to secure. But once that had been finished, he leaned over onto her bedside before returning to his position.

"This day I pray for calm, for health,
And the wisdom to see the beauty of
Each waking moment.
Blessings abound.
So mote it be."

Settling it with a final kiss, he managed to snuggle up right beside his mark. Warmth greeted his figure as she mewed and mumbled his following prayer. It wasn't often that he clasped his hands together and bent down before the deity.

He lost most of his religious beliefs when his mothers died. Hell, he blamed her for taking his mother away and leaving him to fend for himself.

Lost in the years and stress, he hardly remembered her. Just that she smelled beautiful and had a lovely singing voice when he couldn't fall asleep.

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